WC Kalkulator (WCK) is a WordPress plugin which extends the WooCommerce to use custom extra fields with products and orders.
Extra product fields can be used to calculate product price and save information in order details.

  • Absolutely FREE plugin with PRO features
  • 23 field types to get customer input
  • Price calculation based on formula, conditional expression or price add-ons (product addons).

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Sell products by anything. You are not limited to sell only by length, area, volume, etc. You decide how the prices will be calculated. WooCommerce Product Fields and Price Calculator plugin allows full freedom to define fields and formulas for calculating custom price. You can create a personalized product in your store.


22 Field Types (ALL FREE)

1.  Attachment (URL/File)
2.  Checkbox
3.  Multi checkbox (group)
4.  Color Picker
5.  Color Swatches
6.  Date Picker
7.  Date Range Picker
8.  Dropdown
9.  E-mail input
10. Heading
11. Hidden
12. HTML
13. Image Select
14. Image Swatches
15. Link   
16. Number
17. Paragraph
18. Radio
19. Select
20. Textarea
21. Text input
22. Image upload
23. Formula Value

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  • Field – is used to get user’s input on the woocommerce product page. Custom Field can be used to calculate the price (is used in formula)

  • Fieldset – store manager can create the fieldset (set of custom product fields) which consists of different Fields. Fieldset must have at least one Field and the expression (formula) to calculate the product price

  • Expression/Formula – mathematical and/or logical expression using to calculate the woocommerce custom price. The expression can be single-line, conditional price addons (product addons). Expression is protected and calculated only server-side.

  • Validation – each Field has specific requirements to be met. Incorrect values make it impossible to calculate the woocommerce custom price and add the product to the cart.

  • Global Parameters – are numeric variables which can be used in formulas across all fieldsets.

Formula/Expression Builder

Use field’s values as variables to calculate product price. Drag&drop conditional statements.
You can use product addons to add extra price to the product regular price.

Price Add-Ons

Use custom fields to make Product Addons.

Display Fields

Assign fields to products, categories or product tags. Include/exclude options.
Mass assignment.


Each field has built-in validation tests on user input. You can define additional conditions.

Protected Formula

The price is calculated server-side only, so the Client can’t see exact expression.

Advanced Customization

Field HTML templates can be overloaded in your theme file. Each field has CSS class to set custom styles.


You can use basic math functions in the formula. Fields such as Multi-checkbox, Date Picker, Date Range Picker has additional functions to get sum, min, max value or get date, days between dates values as number.

Global Parameters

You can define numeric variable across all fieldsets. You can modify all prices by global parameters.


The customer can edit product options after adding to cart.

Integration with ACF

You can use acf('field_name') function to get ACF field value in custom price formula.


  • multisite mode is supported
  • product shortcodes
  • translation
  • virtual and variable products are supported
  • product regular and sale prices are supported
  • product tags and attributes
  • use product attributes in formulas
  • ACF supported

More Features

  • define unlimited fieldsets with unlimited fields
  • fields are displayed in product page, cart and order details,
  • expression builder
  • define single-line expression to calculate the price
  • define unlimited conditional expressions to calculate the price
  • attach fieldset to: all products/catgories/tags, selected products/categories/tags
  • supported variable products
  • supported multisite
  • the plugin is translatable
  • every field has built-in validation tests
  • the product will be removed from user’s cart when shop manager updates the fieldset settings
  • product shortcodes are supported
  • the formula is protected and will not be shown to the user – the price is calculated only server-side
  • regular and sale price are supported
  • supported price filters
  • customizable HTML code of every field
  • HMTL template of every field can be overridden in a theme directory
  • static fields such as HTML, Heading, Paragraph, Hidden, Link, Attachment
  • math functions to use in the expression
  • additional functions for radio group, checkbox group (sum, max, min), range date picker (days between dated)
  • global parameters can be defined and used in formula
  • ability to edit product fields after from a cart

Full documentation at: www.wckalkulator.com



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