Enables segmented ratings and rich text editor (WYSIWYG) in WooCommerce reviews. Now, you can have multiple rating parameters for your product ratings and WYSIWYG editor for review texts.

You can:

  • Add multiple parameters for product ratings.
  • Set parameters on ‘per product’, ‘per category’ or ‘entire store’ basis.
  • Allow users to use WYSIWYG editor to write review texts.
  • Allow users to upload images/media files with review texts.
  • Make rich reviews available to ‘verified buyers’ only.


  • Settings page for <code>segmented rating</code>.
  • You can choose parameter base of segmented rating. You may choose to set different parameters per product, per category or same parameters for entire store/site.
  • If you chose <code>Same parameters for all products</code>, you need to set these parameters on settings page.
  • If you chose <code>Different parameters for each category</code>, you need to set these parameters while creating/editing a product category.
  • If you chose <code>Different parameters for each product</code>, you need to set these parameters in a meta box while creating/editing a product.
  • Segmented rating in product review.
  • Segmented rating and overall rating in a submitted review.
  • Segmented average rating and overall average rating of a product.
  • Settings page for <code>rich editor</code>.
  • Rich editor in product review.
  • A submitted review with rich text.
  • You can attach media file with review texts as well.


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