WDA Sale Schedule WDA Sale Schedule

WDA Sale Schedule

Created by: Web Dev Advisor

Downloaded: 125 times

Optimize and automate your WooCommerce sales strategy with WDA Sale Schedule. This versatile plugin allows you to schedule changes to product details, enabling you to plan and execute sales campaigns without manual oversight. Whether it’s adjusting prices, updating titles, or changing product descriptions, WDA Sale Schedule ensures your sales are seamless and efficient. The plugin also provides an option to restore original product content after a sale, maintaining the consistency of your store’s offerings.

Designed for store administrators who want to maximize their efficiency, WDA Sale Schedule offers robust scheduling options to accommodate both simple and complex sales scenarios.

Short Description

Automate and schedule WooCommerce product changes, including prices, titles, and descriptions, for seamless sales management.


WDA Sale Schedule is a comprehensive solution for WooCommerce store owners, featuring:

  • Automated Content Scheduling: Plan and schedule updates to product details like titles, prices, descriptions, and more, to automatically take effect at a designated date and time.
  • Comprehensive Field Coverage: Customize key product attributes, including:
    • Product Status
    • Product Title (e.g., “Golden Smart Watch | $50 OFF!”)
    • Product Thumbnail
    • Regular and Sale Prices
    • Product Slug and SKU
    • Stock Management, including Stock Quantity and Status
    • Short and Long Descriptions
    • Review Status
  • Premium Features: Expand your scheduling capabilities with premium options, including:
    • Categories and Tags
    • Variable Product Thumbnail
    • Virtual and Downloadable Switches
    • Additional Stock and Pricing Options
  • Backup and Restore: Automatically backup original product data before making changes, with the option to restore original content after the sale ends.
  • Seamless Integration: Built to work within the WooCommerce product editor, ensuring a smooth user experience without disrupting your existing workflow.

With WDA Sale Schedule, you can prepare your sales campaigns well in advance, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.


WDA Sale Schedule integrates directly with WooCommerce, offering a straightforward interface that mirrors the familiar WooCommerce product editor layout. Simply navigate to the product editor, select the desired fields, and schedule your updates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

= What does this plugin do? =
WDA Sale Schedule allows you to automate and schedule changes to WooCommerce product fields, enabling dynamic sales and content management.

Can I use this plugin without WooCommerce?

No, this plugin requires WooCommerce to function.


This plugin is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.


  • <strong>Schedule Settings</strong> - Configure schedule and restore settings with date and time controls.
  • <strong>Product Details</strong> - Modify and schedule changes to product titles, thumbnails, statuses, prices, categories, and tags.
  • <strong>Inventory Management</strong> - Manage SKU, stock quantities, and stock status with scheduling capabilities.
  • <strong>Content Fields</strong> - Schedule updates to short and long descriptions, slugs, and review status.


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