Web To Print Shop : uDraw – Widescreen UI Web To Print Shop : uDraw – Widescreen UI

Web To Print Shop : uDraw – Widescreen UI

Created by: Racad Tech, Inc.

Downloaded: 2k times

The uDraw Designer Widescreen UI plugin is an extension plugin of Web To Print Shop: uDraw. This plugin allows the user to customize and use a different Designer skin of their own design, than the standard ones bundled in the main plugin. A PDF file is also included for those interested in making their own custom UI. For an online version, please visit https://racadtech.atlassian.net/wiki/display/UDUI/uDraw+Designer+UI. We will update as we add more features to the uDraw Designer. The uDRAW HTML 5 canvas designer and product personalizer can be obtained via Web to Print Solutions, WebtoPrintShop.com, uDRAW.net and OnlineSignStudio.com


  • uDraw Designer Skin : Widescreen
  • Customer View of uDraw Widescreen UI Skin


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