WebMe Cookie & Privacy

Created by: webme.it

Downloaded: 7k times

WebMe Cookie & Privacy lets you easily integrate a Cookies Consent and Privacy Bar realeased by Iubenda into your website.
This plugin is fully compliant to GDPR 2022, so you don’t have to worry about adding your own policies and list your cookies.
Cookie and Privacy statements are available in the following languages:
– Italian
– English
– Spanish (Castillano)
– German
– French
– Portuguese (Brasil)

Iubenda is a paid service to which you can subscribe from plugin settings page.

More information about the services can be found here: https://shop.webme.it/shop/grid/34048_PRIVACY+%2B+COOKIE
WebMe terms of service can be found here: https://webme.it/docs/Condizioni_di_contratto_HOSTING_WebMe_Nereal_srl_v.1.5.pdf
Iubenda terms of service can be found here: https://www.iubenda.com/en/user/tos

Main Features

  • Iubenda Cookie Bar activation with Cookie Policy
  • Iubenda Privacy Policy activazion
  • Language Selection
  • Color customization of the Cookie Bar (background and foreground colors)



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