WebPage Custom Schema (Schema.org JSON-LD) WebPage Custom Schema (Schema.org JSON-LD)

WebPage Custom Schema (Schema.org JSON-LD)

Created by: AndreiF13

Downloaded: 508 times

WebPage Schema Plugin allows you to use your custom full-featured schema.
Schema (JSON-LD) is the most important factor in search engine optimization.
Build your custom schema for each page/post you publish in your website:
– Schema documentation https://schema.org/ or https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/
– Advanced SEO documentation https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/structured-data/intro-structured-data
– Schema.org Validator https://validator.schema.org/
– Google Rich Validator Tool (Rich Results Test) https://search.google.com/test/rich-results/result

– Disable schema feature from the SEO plugin that you currently use.
– Do not minify the code, plugins like autoptimize will do that job for the entire page.


  • JSON-LD metabox on Dashboard.
  • Browser inspector for page.


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