Website Screenshots Website Screenshots

Website Screenshots

Created by: Dirk Hoekstra

Downloaded: 597 times

Use the [website-screenshot] shortcode to automatically insert an up to date webiste screenshot.

Shortcode Examples

// Website screenshot of
[website-screenshot url="" width="1680"]

// You can also resize the generated images
[website-screenshot url="" width="1680" thumbnail_width="100"]

// And you can add custom html tags
[website-screenshot url="" target="_blank" class="my-image-class"]


  • url (required) – The url
  • width – the width of the screenhsot
  • height – the height of the screenshot
  • thumbnail_width – Resize the image to the desired width, preserves the aspect ratio
  • alt – the image alt text
  • target – browser target. For example: use _blank to open in a new window
  • class – add a class to the screenshot

Generating the screenshot in PHP

You can also use our PHP class to generate a screenshot:

<img src="<?php echo WebsiteScreenshot::screenshot(['url' => '']); ?>" />


  • This plugin relies on you should create an account there and paste your API token into the settings page.



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