WebUser All in one

Created by: WebUser

Downloaded: 951 times

Webuser All-in-One plugin adds functionality offered by Webuser. It allows Admin accounts to modify specific rights per user, it adds the Google Login API
and adds the Custom Header Module developed by Webuser.

  • Webuser User Rights Module: Allows the Admin account to modify specific rights that each user possesses.
  • Google Login API: Add Google Login to your website, allowing users to log into the Admin Panel through Google Login.
  • Webuser Custom Headers: Allows users to add Custom Header Images in a set container on a specific page. This uses the Next-Gen Gallery plugin

A brief Markdown Example

  • Webuser User Rights Module: Allows for custom rights on every user.
  • Google Login API: Allows for Google Login in WP-ADMIN (Follow instructions)
  • Webuser Custom Headers: Allows users to choose images in the header, multiple images show a slider



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