WebYard Custom Notification Display WebYard Custom Notification Display

WebYard Custom Notification Display

Created by: Paul Jason Mongaya

Downloaded: 467 times

WebYard Custom Notification Display can help you increase the average value of orders by notifying users what minimum amount they have to spend to get free shipping or other offers.

Types of Messages

  • Minimum amount
    — Display a minimum amount message on the Shop / Product details
  • Deadline
    — The deadline message, well it’s a deadline message.
  • Custom message
    — Here you can write anything, like 5 YEARS Celebration! 5% OFF all products – use code HAPPY5YEARS at checkout


  • Works as wordpress plugin
  • Compatible with woocommerce
  • Easy to install & use
  • 3 types of messages available
  • Deadline message
  • Minimum amount message
  • Custom message
  • Custom button links
  • 1 template available
  • Customizable
  • Edit / size / font colour
  • Edit background color / button text / button font size
  • Choose where to display your messages
    — Shop page
    — Product page

Upcoming Premium Version

  • Pagination Custom Message list
  • Additional 3 Templates
  • Additional 1 new template to be added can be used across all pages
  • Edit font family / size / font colour
  • Edit background color / border colour
  • Edit icon / icon colour
  • {Timestamp} for a format : 4 weeks, 3days | 5 hours 10 minutes
  • {startdate} for a format : m/d/Y ( 10/15/2020 )
  • {enddate} for a format : m/d/Y ( 10/20/2020 )
  • Additional Pages where to display your messages
    — Cart page
    — Checkout page
  • Enable close button the custom message on front end
    — Once close it will only display again when the browser is restarted


Would you like to support the advancement of this plugin? Donate


  • Dashboard Custom Messages screenshot-1.png
  • Add Message screenshot-2.png
  • Edit Message screenshot-3.png
  • Templates screenshot-4.png


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