WEDOS Global (CDN Cache & Security) WEDOS Global (CDN Cache & Security)

WEDOS Global (CDN Cache & Security)

Created by: WEDOS

Downloaded: 6k times

Our WordPress plugin has a full site caching feature, a CDN Cache feature, and optional settings for the sending of security reports. Furthermore, it serves as a tool for easy activation of the WEDOS Global Protection service.

WEDOS Global (CDN Cache & Security)

Local WordPress Cache

The WEDOS Local WordPress Cache stores your WordPress pages and content as static files which it later serves to your website visitors, thus saving the load on the web server, while also simultaneously reducing the website loading times. Utilise the local caching feature, which can be activated without any registration, and always stay close to your local WordPress website visitors.

Security Reports

Have security reports sent to you, and get information about cyberattacks and threats, as well as tips for improving your website. You can customise the reports according to your needs. You can also get useful news, tips, and recommendations for improving the overall health of your website.

Global WordPress Cache

The WEDOS Global CDN will ensure a significant increase of your WordPress loading speed, and better overall server response all around the world. This will result in improved user experience (UX), higher rankings in search results, more orders, or leads, and returning customers. Maximalising the performance of your website can help to improve its conversion rate even by up to a few percent!

How does the Global WordPress Cache speed up your website?

  • Static web pages and their parts will be stored on our servers all over the world, always as close to your visitors as possible. Our global server infrastructure currently entails 120 data centres, covering all continents (except Antarctica).
  • Thanks to the Anycast DNS technology, all DNS requests will be served from the nearest point to the request, which encompasses all types of requests, not only for the website, but also e.g. the mail server, FTP, etc.
  • By filtering out harmful traffic, and blocking hazardous cyberattacks, our global network also provides website protection. Harmful traffic makes up up to 60% of a regular WordPress website, and bots searching for vulnerabilities are usually the reason of website slowdowns, or outages even.

The WEDOS Global (CDN Cache & Security) plugin connects your website with the WEDOS Global infrastructure, providing not only high-performance protection against a vast variety of cyberattacks, but also website speed optimisation. The infrastructure is built on thousands of physical servers, strategically placed in dozens of locations worldwide with the overall connectivity of 3,000 Gbps, ensuring not only enhanced security, and stability of your website, but also ultra-fast loading times.

Cloud WAF

By filtering traffic, and blocking harmful cyberattacks on the cloud servers, our cloud WAF (Web Application Firewall) provides protection for your WordPress websites without putting any extra load on your local resources. The protection is ensured by the use of advanced security technologies, continuous monitoring of all traffic, and data analysis of hundreds of thousands of websites.

The WEDOS Cloud WAF protects your website against attempts at cracking passwords or finding vulnerabilities because it can safely distinguish whether there is an attack attempt taking place, and in that case, put those requests through a test, which can be solved by the browser for the real users, meanwhile denying access to harmful bots.

Situated on our own servers, our WAF works outside your WordPress (hosting service), so it does not put any extra load on your web server. This means that all traffic coming to your website is scanned by our WAF, even before it reaches your website. This level of protection entails blocking harmful website visits (from harmful bots), and attacks, like e.g. attempts at system breakthroughs, or hazardous scripts, without affecting the real users, or search engine bots coming to your website.

What is in it for you?

Thousands of servers, global coverage, CDN Cache: Utilise our worldwide infrastructure which distributes the load on servers, and reduces website loading times, regardless of the current location of your website visitors. Our servers will serve as a global CDN Cache for your website.

Improving your website’s overall SEO score and user experience (UX): A fast, high-performance infrastructure positively impacts your website’s SEO score, its rankings in search results, and improves the overall user experience for your visitors. Thanks to direct connections with local internet exchange points (IXPs), your data is always as close to your visitors as possible. We have a direct connection set up with most of our most significant connectivity providers.

Anycast DNS: Your WordPress will promptly answer website requests, from the first request for the domain (DNS) to repeated answers, where we will serve static content directly from our servers at the location of your website visitors.

Instant access to recent technologies: Using our plugin, your website will automatically gain access to the most recent internet technologies, and security standards, like e.g. IPv6 and HTTP/3 support, even if your current hosting provider does not support those new technological advances.

Stability and support: Our cybersecurity specialists, and our technical and customer support are there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to ensure incident-free operation, and non-stop protection for your website.

Privacy and data protection: Your data safety is a number one priority for us. Our plugin is designed to protect your data and privacy, in accordance with the most recent standards, and adheres to all EU requirements concerning GDPR. The WEDOS company is also a proud ISO certifications owner, and holds the ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), ISO 27001 (Information Security Management System), ISO 27017 (Code of practice for information security controls for cloud services), and ISO 27018 (Code of practice for protection of personally identifiable information in public clouds acting as PII processors) which ensure the quality of our services, and their reliability, guaranteed by an independent certification authority.

Become a part of a global network: By installing the WEDOS Global (CDN Cache & Security) plugin, you increase the performance, and security of your website, as well as connect with an innovative global network that continuously challenges the limits of utter possibilities of the digital world.

Links to Documentation and Other Sources


  • Plugin dashboard before activating WEDOS Global - Local WordPress available
  • Plugin dashboard after activating WEDOS Global
  • Logging, WEDOS Global registration
  • Code verification
  • Service activation
  • Generating a TLS certificate


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