WhereUsed WhereUsed


Created by: WhereUsed

Downloaded: 1k times

Where used? This plugin helps you find usage of attachments, posts, links, blocks and more in all post types, taxonomy terms, post meta, user meta, and menus. This plugin is multisite compatible!

Items That Will Be Detected

  • images, attachments
  • links
  • Gutenberg custom blocks or reusable blocks
  • iframes
  • Shortcodes (coming soon)

Areas Where It Searches For The Items

  • posts, post meta (even custom post types)
  • taxonomy terms, term meta
  • users, user meta
  • WordPress menus
  • Redirection rules (if Redirection plugin is installed)

Discover Problems

  • Broken links ( 404 errors hurt SEO ranking)
  • Redirects referenced (301, 302 etc.)
  • Unused reusable blocks

Prevent You From Causing Problems

  • Know where something is referenced before you delete it and create broken links or broken functionality on your site
  • Find where a reusable block is used before you delete the reusable block
  • Find out where blocks are used before you uninstall a plugin that has custom blocks
  • Know when the slug of your page has been accidentally redirected due to regex matching via Redirection plugin


  • Does not search theme’s code or any plugin’s code for hardcoded references
  • Does not detect references or backlinks located on websites beyond the scope of your WordPress install.
  • Does not search custom database tables
  • WARNING: Does not find every existence of usage due to mentioned lines above and possibly some unforeseen scenarios. Please always be cautious when deleting posts and attachments. This plugin does it’s best to help you be more confident in deleting unused content and maintaining existing content.

Compatible With

Recommended Plugins To Install

  • Redirection – WhereUsed is more powerful as a tool with the Redirection plugin. Certain features of WhereUsed are not available unless Redirection is installed.
  • Fix Alt Text – Like WhereUsed? You’ll love our other plugin, Fix Alt Text, which will help you manage your image alt text easier for better website SEO and accessibility.

Quick Setup Guides

Single Site Setup

  1. Install the WhereUsed plugin per instructions above and then activate it.
  2. Modify settings as need to ensure your entire site gets scanned properly. Adjust settings here: Admin > Tools > WhereUsed > Settings
  3. Do an initial full scan on the bottom right of the Dashboard here: Admin > Tools > WhereUsed
  4. Once the scan is complete, you can review the Dashboard to discover detected broken links and redirects.

Multisite Setup

  1. Install the WhereUsed plugin per the instructions above and activate the plugin for the entire network or go to each site individually in the network and activate the plugin.
  2. All sites will default to using the network settings (for convenience). This can be disabled on a per site basis in the network settings area. WP Admin > Network Settings > Settings > WhereUsed
  3. Each site will need to be scanned so that all references are detected
  4. Multiple scans (full scan on each site) are prevented from running simultaneously to protect the server from getting too overwhelmed at one time.
  5. Once all scans have been run, you will be able to see all references on each site and all references between each site.



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