Who owns Your Country? Who owns Your Country?

Who owns Your Country?

Created by: Daniel Tygel

Downloaded: 1k times


What is the economic power structure of the private groups in your country? Who are the actors who accumulate the most power in this structure, and what is the relationship amongst them? What is the degree of influence of this invisible power structure, over government decisions in terms of development and economic policies? How does the State relate and feed this power structure and what are the counterparts of this relationship for the well being of society? It is with the objective to respond to these and other questions that we built the “Brazil’s Owners” Project and corresponding methodology.

“Who Owns your Country” is a plugin for WordPress which uses the methodology developped by EITA (http://eita.org.br) and IMD (http://maisdemocracia.org.br) for the project “WHO OWNS BRAZIL” (http://proprietariosdobrasil.org.br).

It connects enterprises, people and government’s ownership and revenue information to build Power Networks and a ranking of the most powerful actors in this constellation, allowing visitors to see the data in a variety of ways, including charts, factsheets and interactive network maps.

For more information on the methodology, visit http://proprietariosdobrasil.org.br/inicio/metodologia . We also have a paper about the methodology in English available at http://www.proprietariosdobrasil.org.br/tygel_who_owns_brazil.pdf


We will be glad to collaborate with other actors who wish to use the plugin in their country and make it better. Don’t hesitate to join us in this common effort to contribute for a real democratic world, in which the economic powers are not directing the whole economy of the countries!

If you would like to send a question to us, just write to the support forum.


Who Owns Your Country is a fully internationalized (i.e. fully translateable) plugin.

If you would like to add a translation of the plugin to your language, you can do it online at our Translation platform: https://osx6cfk.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/project?id=6944.

If your language is not listed there, please send a message to us at contato@proprietariosdobrasil.org.br . We’ll immediately add your language for you to start translating.

Available languages

  • English
  • Brazilian Portuguese, by daniel tygel
  • Portugal Portuguese, by daniel tygel


  • Factsheet page of an owner (Section: global vision). The factsheet comes out of the box with the following sections: <em>Global Vision</em>, <em>Power Network</em> (graphic and list views), <em>Related articles</em>, <em>In the media</em>. This screenshot exemplifies the plugin's hooks: the hooks are used to add two more sections (<em>electoral donations</em> and <em>public fundings</em>), and also to change the name of a section ("Related articles" was renamed to "Power analysis")
  • Factsheet page - section "Power network". At the left you have the list view, and in the center there is the graphic view. The map is fully interactive, and clicking on any element opens up a box on the top left with its details.
  • Factsheet page - section "In the media". In the configuration of the plugin, you can choose which news websites will be consulted regularly to show the last news related to the owner's power network.
  • Page for searching the owners. Hooks in the plugin also allow the template owner to add custom columns and orderings to this page. Besides the filters (by enterprises, persons, state institutions and "ranked" corporations) and ordering, the text search form has an autocomplete feature, leading the guest directly to the factsheet of the owner found.


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