Widget Builder uses native WordPress editing interface to provide a unique tool to build custom widgets for your site(s).

  • MU Compatible
  • Create admin dashboard widgets NEW!
  • Link the image
  • Title and Description
  • Customize “Read More” link text
  • Very versatile. All fields are optional.
  • Supports override of template so that you can override the template for your theme!

Tested on PHP 5.2.17, 5.3.14 & 5.4.4 and WP 3.3 & 3.4.

This plugin is actively supported and we will do our best to help you. In return we simply as 3 things:

  1. Help Out. If you see a question on the forum you can help with or have a great idea and want to code it up and submit a patch, that would be just plain awesome and we will shower you with praise. Might even be a good way to get to know us and lead to some paid work if you freelance. Also, we are happy to post translations if you provide them.
  2. Donate – if this is generating enough revenue to support our time it makes all the difference in the world
  3. Support us by buying our Premium plugins. In particular, check out our Events Calendar Pro http://tri.be/wordpress-events-calendar-pro/

Note: gear vector art used in the WordPress.org banner were created by http://www.opengraphicdesign.com


Dashboard Widgets

Select ‘Available As Dashboard Widget’ in the widget editor to enable a widget as a dashboard widget. If you do not want this widget showing in the available widgets list for sidebar placement, select ‘Disable Sidebar Widget’.

Default vs. Custom Templates

The built in template can be overridden by files within your template.

The Widget Builder comes with a default template for the widget output. If you would like to alter the widget display code, create a new folder called “tribe_widget_builder” in your template directory and copy over the “views/widget.php” file.

Edit the new file to your hearts content. Please do not edit the one in the plugin folder as that will cause conflicts when you update the plugin to the latest release.

Alternatively you can point to a path of your choosing using the filter ‘tribe_widget_builder_widget.php’.

Filter widget query args

Filter your query arguments or get_posts altogether for granular fine tuning your listing of widgets or in the case of MU install restricting the builder to one site.

The following filters are available for override
‘tribe_widget_builder_get_posts_args’ // customize the widget query parameters
‘tribe_widget_builder_get_posts’ // change the get_posts() query


  • Widget Builder create widget screen.
  • List Widget Builder editable widgets.
  • Highlighting custom widgets in the Widgets/Sidebar page.
  • How the default display template looks in presentation.
  • How the default display template looks in the dashboard (when enabled).


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