Have you ever wanted to rotate a widget ? Not an image or ad but a whole widget? Then this is for you.

Widget Rotator Pro is a WordPress plugin which is used to rotate multiple widgets in same spot in your sidebars. If you need to show multiple widgets in your site in a random order, then this is a plugin for you. The plugin is a light weight and fully functional one. It allows multiple rotators in each sidebar, and each supports multiple widgets.

  1. After you have installed and activated this plugin, go to Appearance -> Widgets -> And drag Widget Rotator Pro in any of your sidebar.
  2. Give it a title and choose display order. Click save and then refresh the page (otherwise it won’t load in other widgets)
  3. Now drag and drop any widget in the same sidebar. At the bottom of each widget you will find an option called “Rotate this widget in”. Choose any rotator from same side bar.
  4. Now enter a random priority number. Higher number means more priority. Do remember that the sum of priority in each widget assigned to a rotator should be 100.
  5. If you have 3 widgets then enter 30,30,40 or 25,25,50 or anything else but total should be 100.
  6. You can add multiple rotators in each sidebar and choose anyone for your widgets. Just remember to keep the total of priority to 100.

Important Note : I am not the developer of this plugin. I got it developed by a freelancer for my personal use. However id you find any problems let me know and I will get it fixed.



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