Sell License Key Codes with WordPress PHP-KeyCodes

Created by: Paul Gibbs

Downloaded: 2k times

This Plugin enables you to sell software license key codes, pin numbers, mobile phone key codes or similar codes, automatically when someone makes a PayPal purchase.

The pin numbers are listed in the database one entry per line and when a purchase is made, PayPal sends an IPN notification to the plugin which then extracts the first pin number, sends it to the purchaser and then removes that pin number from the list.

The email sent to the purchaser contains the pin number, and you should receive a copy of the email.

The sales history listing also identifies which pin number has been sold to the purchaser.

A local test system is included which allows you to test without connecting to PayPal.

Setting a value in the Lower Limit entry box causes an email to be sent to the administrator when the minimum number of key codes has been reached.


The best way to test the application is to use a second live PayPal account as that tests the complete system. You have to do this if you want to test live because PayPal does not allow you to purchase from your own account.

To open a second PayPal account you need a second bank account which some people may find difficult but you will find it worth doing in the long run.

You can also use the PayPal Sandbox for testing which requires you work in the developer enviromment Login into this using your normal PayPal account.

In the developer environment, you can create as many test acoounts as you want, and then set the PHP-KeyCodes to the sandbox environment. You also need to enter the sandbox email address into the “Settings” dsplay of PHP-KeyCodes.

Local Test

PHP-KeyCodes has a local test facility which will test all the set up and email details, but does not go through PayPal.

Local test has to be enabled before it can be used by going to the “Settings” display and setting the “Do Local Test” check box. Once you have finished your local tests, you should un-tick this box.

The local test is useful if you don\’t want to sepend time going in and out of PayPal.


Enable the debug log in the “Setting” section of PHP-KeyCodes. This will create a file which details the IPN results and other messages to show the path through the application.

Trouble Shooting

If you have multiple email addresses in your PayPal account, make sure that the one you use in this application is your PRIMARY PayPal email address.

If your emails are not getting to the customer, use SMTP. There are a number of WordPress Plugins for this.

Conflicts between Plugins can sometimes occur. To test this, deactive suspect Plugins.



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