Friendly User Agent for WooCommerce Friendly User Agent for WooCommerce

Friendly User Agent for WooCommerce

Created by: Blaze Concepts

Downloaded: 4k times

Unknown to many, WooCommerce captures the device/platform, browser and browser version used by a customer when an order is placed, this is known as the user agent string. This useful information is currently not shown anywhere in the WooCommerce plugin.

**Friendly User Agent for WooCommerce* simply displays this information as a new column on the Orders page and within the Edit Order page. You can then see what customers are using what devices and browsers.

Currently Detected Platforms


  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Macintosh
  • Chrome OS
  • FreeBSD
  • NetBSD
  • OpenBSD


  • Android
  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • iPod
  • Windows Phone
  • Kindle
  • Kindle Fire
  • BlackBerry
  • Playbook
  • Tizen
  • Sailfish
  • Symbian


  • Nintendo 3DS
  • New Nintendo 3DS
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Nintendo Wii
  • Nintendo WiiU
  • PlayStation 3
  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 5
  • PlayStation Vita
  • Xbox
  • Xbox One

Currently Detected Browsers

  • AdsBot-Google
  • Android Browser
  • Applebot
  • Baiduspider
  • bingbot
  • BlackBerry Browser
  • Bunjalloo
  • Camino
  • Chrome
  • curl
  • Edge
  • facebookexternalhit
  • FeedValidator
  • Firefox
  • Googlebot
  • Googlebot-Image
  • Googlebot-Video
  • HeadlessChrome
  • IEMobile
  • iMessageBot
  • Kindle
  • Lynx
  • Midori
  • MiuiBrowser
  • MSIE
  • msnbot-media
  • NetFront
  • NintendoBrowser
  • OculusBrowser
  • Opera
  • Puffin
  • Safari
  • SailfishBrowser
  • SamsungBrowser
  • Silk
  • TelegramBot
  • TizenBrowser
  • Twitterbot
  • UC Browser
  • Valve Steam Tenfoot
  • Vivaldi
  • Wget
  • WordPress
  • Yandex
  • YandexBot

If you find a missing platform or browser, please let us know in the support forum and we’ll add it in our next version.

Using the simple, streamlined PHP user-agent parser. Credit:
PhpUserAgent license:


  • Orders page
  • Single order view/edit page


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