
The plugin offers an easy and convenient way to accept credit cards and all
other payment methods listed below fast and securely. The payment forms will be fully integrated in your checkout
and for credit cards there is no redirection to a payment page needed anymore. The pages are by default mobile optimized but
the look and feel can be changed according the merchants needs.

This plugin will add support for all PostFinance Checkout payments methods and connect the PostFinance Checkout servers to your WooCommerce webshop.
To use this extension, a PostFinance Checkout account is required. Sign up on PostFinance Checkout.


Additional documentation for this plugin is available here.


Support queries can be issued on the PostFinance Checkout support site.

Privacy Policy

Enquiries about our privacy policy can be made on the PostFinance Checkout privacy policies site.

Terms of use

Enquiries about our terms of use can be made on the PostFinance Checkout terms of use site.



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