Reusable Product Description for WooCommerce Reusable Product Description for WooCommerce

Reusable Product Description for WooCommerce

Created by: Michael Jarrett

Downloaded: 6k times

This plugin allows you to reuse descriptions and dynamically display them on your products. Add pieces of descriptions to your categories and product attributes, which then are added to your product description or displayed as separate tabs. This allows you to reuse any descriptions that are specific to certain attributes or categories without rewriting all information for every applicable product again and again.

The plugin creates a new field for each product category and attribute taxonomy that can be used to add and display additional information related to a specific category or attribute.

The extra information will be displayed in a separate tab by default with the product attribute taxonomy name as the tab title. The content of the tab will show all applicable attribute tab descriptions. The extra field lets you also use HTML, shortcodes and special placeholders that are replaced with product information.


  • Display WooCommerce product category and attribute information in a separate tab or in the product detail
  • Control display type for each WooCommerce attribute taxonomy
  • Swap between default attribute description field or use the default plugin field
  • Control the tab order using priority values for each product taxonomy
  • Set an alternative tab title via attribute settings
  • Support for placeholders within the description (see below) that are replaced with product data


Product properties
The {product:property} placeholder can be used to replace certain parts of the text with a product property:

  • {product:name}: get the product name
  • {product:sku}: get the product SKU
  • {product:weight}: get the product weight
  • {product:height}: get the product height
  • {product:width}: get the product width
  • {product:length}: get the product length

Additionally, it is possible to truncate the resulting string before or after a given substring with the syntax {product:property:string}. For example:

  • {product:name:-} would display the product name but cut of everything after -
  • {product:name::-} would display the product name but cut of everything before -

If both cases the - character is also removed.

Product attributes
The {attribute:taxonomy} placeholder can be used to replace certain parts of the text with a product attribute. Replace the taxonomy part in the placeholder with any product attribute that you wish (slug).

For example, if you have an attribute color, you could use the following placeholder to insert the color of the product into the text: {attribute:color}. If more than one color is attached to the product, they are listed and separated by a comma.

It is therefore also possible to select only one term by using the syntax {attribute:taxonomy:index}. Replace the index part with a number. For example {attribute:color:1} will show the first color of the product.

Product meta data
The {meta:key} placeholder can be used to replace parts of the text with product meta data. Replace the key part in the placeholder with any meta data from the database.

Product meta data can also be trimmed just the like the product properties.

Use Cases

Use Case 1 – Size guide
Let’s say we have a product attribute taxonomy named Size. For all products that are using this attribute type we wish to display a size guide on the product page, which helps the customer to find the right size. We use the plugin to specify a tab description for every size that we configured (e.g. XS, S, M, L, XL). The tab description for a size attribute could for example explain the recommended body measurements that fit this size. Finally, we create a product where we assign the size attribute and select the attribute values S, M and L. On the product page of this product we will now see a new tab named Size that shows the tab descriptions of the size attributes S, M and L.

Use Case 2 – Brand information
We might have products of different brands and for each brand we’d like to display a short description about the brand in the product description. Normally we’d have to copy paste the brand description to every product of this brand. If every something changes… well, it’d be pretty cumbersome. Now let’s say we have a product attribute taxonomy named Brand. With this plugin we can instead add the brand description on attribute term level and automatically display it for every product with that brand assigned. We only manage the description once and display it everywhere.

Use Case 3 – Dynamic product descriptions
We create a new product taxonomy “Product Type” and add the reusable product descriptions there. We configure it to append the description to the main product description. We assign our product type attributes to the according products, but do not display the attribute on the product page. One product can even have more than one product types assigned to dynamically build up a product description. You could also use product categories instead.


  • The extra product tab description field in the product attribute edit screen.
  • Two product attribute descriptions displayed at once on the product detail page.
  • The extra attribute tab settings on the Attribute Edit Screen.


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