CatalogX – Product Catalog Mode For WooCommerce CatalogX – Product Catalog Mode For WooCommerce

CatalogX – Product Catalog Mode For WooCommerce

Created by: MultiVendorX

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Best WooComerce Catalog Mode plugin with online Catalog mode and enquiry feature – product Catalog inquiry by WooComerce powered by WooComerce

Transform your WooCommerce-powered online store into an interactive catalog with the Product Catalog Mode for WooCommerce plugin. Collect customer inquiries for each product effortlessly via email using dedicated custom inquiry forms. Tailor the form fields to your needs, and choose between a sleek inline or attention-grabbing pop-up display. With custom CSS options, you can seamlessly integrate the inquiry button into your website’s theme. Elevate your online presence, drive conversions, and enhance visibility for unparalleled success.


📔 WooCommerce Catalog Mode
💬 Product Inquiry
📔 Hide Add to Cart
💰Price Visibility Management
📝Enquiry Form Customization
⚙️Variable Product Support
👤Role-Based Management
🤝MultiVendorX Compatibility

🌐Explore our Documentation

👉 Learn More About (PRO)


  • 🛒 Enable Catalog Mode for the Complete WooCommerce Site or Specific Product.
  • ❌ Hide ‘Add to Cart’ or enable simultaneous use of both ‘Add to Cart’ and ‘Send Enquiry’ [PRO].
  • 🔍 Gather inquiries for each variation of variable products.
  • 💲 Manage Price Visibility to Boost Lead Generation.
  • 🔘 Place Enquiry & Quote Request Buttons Anywhere using Shortcode.
  • 🔍 Attract potential buyers for ‘Out of Stock’ items by enabling users to inquire about them.
  • 🏗️ Incorporate an Inquiry Button on Pages Created with Your Preferred Page Builder.
  • 📈 Gain a Comprehensive Overview of Product Demand.
  • 🕒 Respond to Customers Efficiently and Save Time.
  • 👤 Role-Based Query Management.
  • 💌 Customize Emails and Quotations with Your Company Logo Attachment [PRO].
  • 🛒 Enable Inquiries for Bulk or High-Value Orders using the Enquiry Cart [PRO].
  • ✏️ Customize Your Inquiry Form [PRO].
  • 🛒 Monitor All Inquiries via an Inquiry Cart [PRO].
  • 🔍 Effortlessly Find Customer Quotations with Quick Search [PRO].
  • 🤝 Compatible with multivendor plugin MultiVendorX [PRO].

➡️ Product Catalog Mode For Woocommerce Tools For A Perfect Catalog Site

In the competitive world of e-commerce, differentiation is key. Our ingenious WordPress WooCommere Product Catalog plugin allows you to effortlessly transform your website into a captivating, user-friendly catalog. Whether you’re building a dedicated catalog site or adding catalog mode to your existing online store, we’ve got you covered!

🚀 Switch to Catalog Mode in a Snap: Easily switch catalog mode on/off, display products attractively, encourage inquiries, and personalize pricing messages. To Know More, Click Here.

🚀Hide Add to Cart: Enable catalog mode to conceal the “Add to Cart” option, allowing you to display products even when you’re unavailable. To Know More, Click Here.

🚀Out of Stock Product Enquiry: Activate catalog mode for out-of-stock products, allowing inquiries and tracking customer interest effortlessly. To Know More, Click Here.

🚀Hide Product Price: Hide product prices and add to cart buttons effortlessly with this WordPress catalog plugin. Upgrade for personalized messages. To Know More, Click Here.

🚀Personalise Enquiry Form [PRO]: You can simply add, remove, or change fields in your enquiry form with the help of drag and drop enquiry form builder. Personalized inquiry forms provide administrators with tailored information, streamlining responses and improving user engagement. To Know More, Click Here.

🚀Choose Catalog Product Selection: Tailor your catalog by selecting products to include or exclude, simplifying category-based listings without complex display filtering. To Know More, Click Here.

🚀Customize the Enquiry Button: Easily customize your WooCommerce enquiry cart button, including color, font size, radius, and CSS class options. To Know More, Click Here.

🚀Role-Based Catalog Mode: Activate catalog mode selectively by user login status and restrict access based on user roles like authors, vendors, etc. To Know More, Click Here.

🚀Enquiry Cart [PRO]: Get a bird’s eye view of all inquiries made by the customers using the benefit of enquiry cart. To Know More, Click Here.

🚀Enquiry List [PRO]: Admins have a dedicated Enquiry List page to view, sort, and manage inquiries by customer, product, or enquiry number. To Know More, Click Here.

👉 Try Our Free and Pro Demo

➡️ Upgrade to WooCommerce Product Catalog Mode Pro – Quote Request for Enhanced Features:

Unlock even more possibilities with WooCommerce Product Catalog Mode Pro – Quote Request:

🚀Activate Catalog and Sales Modes Simultaneously [PRO]: Boost Sales with Combined Catalog and Sales Modes. Let Customers Inquire Before Making a Purchase Decision. To Know More, Click Here.

🚀Control Price Display [PRO]: Easily toggle price visibility for catalog items. Admins can choose to hide or show product prices, and even replace them with informative messages like ‘contact vendor’ or ‘coming soon.’

🚀Streamline Shopping with a Product Inquiry Cart [PRO]: Offering a Product Inquiry Cart lets customers inquire about multiple products simultaneously, saving time and enhancing the shopping experience.

🚀Integrated Query Management System [PRO]: Switching to Advanced mode offers real-time query management with an integrated system. Additionally, it stores all queries and responses for future evaluation.

🚀Tailor-Made Enquiry Form Customization [PRO]: With WooCommerce Request a Quote & Product Catalog, you can freely design your form, adding fields as needed, unlike the free version with predefined questions.

🚀Manage and Customise Query Mails [PRO]: Customize Inquiry Emails with Templates and Send Queries to Customers and Vendors Automatically.

🚀Make it Marketplace Ready: Our Multivendor plugin, MultiVendorX, integrates with Product Catalog Mode for WooCommerce. Vendors can view and respond to inquiries about their products from their dashboard.

👉 Learn More About Pro: WooCommerce Product Catalog Mode Pro – Quote Request

👉 Who Can Benefit from Product Catalog Mode

  • 🛒 Online Retailers
  • 👩‍🍳 Small Business Owners
  • 🏭 Manufacturers and Wholesalers
  • 🏪 Local Businesses
  • 🚀 Startups
  • 🏡 The Real Estate
  • 🎨 Artists & Photographers
  • 💼 Service Oriented Businesses
  • 🤝 Consultants
  • 🌟 Non-Profit Organizers displaying Initiative and Fundraisers

👉 Shortcodes:

🚀[wce_enquiry_button]: You can display enquiry form using this shortcode anywhere.

🚀[woocommerce_catalog_enquiry_cart]:With this shortcode, display all products in the enquiry cart and send a single inquiry email for all items in the cart. [PRO]


  • Enquiry Form Builder
  • Exclusion Rules
  • Enquiry Email Templates
  • Enquiry Button Settings
  • Catalog General Settings
  • Enquiry Admin Dashboard
  • Single Product Enquiry Option
  • Enquiry Form
  • Enquiry Cart
  • Catalog Enquiry with MultiVendorX - Vendor Catalog Settings


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