Understand who are your new customers. Check out WooReports for advanced analytics and full report – New, Active, Returning, Churning, Inactive WooCommerce Customers List as well as other interesting reports.


  • Welcome screen of WooReports
  • Select your WooCommerce store, once you've authenticated WooReports API with WooReports Dashboard (this is a secure method provided by WooCommerce)
  • Select / search the report you desire, using the Menu tree on the left
  • Upon Report selection, from the menu, data will be fetched using default filter values; to change these values press the funnel button in the header of the data grid panel; set your desired report filters; obviously, report filters vary by report; not all reports have available filters
  • Easy code completion and data validation is available for filter fields (and usually for most input or display fields)
  • Report data can be displayed using at least two methods, simple Grid and an Pivot Grid; Pivot Grid is quite similar to Microsoft's Pivot feature; Fields are available, they can be positioned in a matrix, on columns, rows and at the intersection, offering you the possibility to analyze the data in the desired way
  • In Pivot Grids, fields can be expanded and collapsed
  • In Pivot Grids, subtotals can be displayed or not
  • In Pivot Grids, totals can be displayed or not
  • Data can be refreshed (re-fetched from your server - from WooCommerce) by pushing the button in the header of the data grid panel
  • The data display panel can be maximized for deeper focus on analyzed data
  • Data can be exported, showing Pivot Grid export feature; in Pivot Grid, you can export either only visible data, or all configured/initial displayed data, both in Excel and CSV formats
  • Data can be displayed also in simple Grids, a tabular display of data
  • Data export is available in Grids as well, both in Excel and CSV formats
  • Some reports have comprehensive filter fields, like Customer Behavior report
  • Filter fields validation is ensured by date selectors, number increment-ors and drop-down lists
  • Filter fields validation is ensured by date selectors, number increment-ors and drop-down lists
  • Filter fields validation is ensured by date selectors, number increment-ors and drop-down lists
  • Once data is fetched from your server, Pivot Data can be further filtered, for example, if you want to look at products  that their name start with 'Product'
  • By pressing the question mark button in the header of the data grid panel, the help window is displayed
  • Each reports is briefly presented in a help window
  • Once WooCommerce Stores are defined (see our blog on how to achieve this), they need to be authenticated; this procedure must be done just one time


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