WordPress CamelCase Zealot WordPress CamelCase Zealot

WordPress CamelCase Zealot

Created by: Neil Pie

Downloaded: 1k times

Having ‘WordPress’ automatically switched to ‘WordPress’ in just a few spots around your site not enough for you? Want the rules to be applied with a little more zeal? This plugin tries to enforce the correct CamelCasing of ‘WordPress’ throughout your site irrespective of whether or not it begins with a capital letter ‘W’.


  • Post Content
  • Post Title
  • Page Lists
  • Category Lists
  • Tag Lists
  • Nav Menus
  • Bloginfo
  • Comments
  • Tag Cloud
  • Widget Titles
  • Text Widget Content
  • Manual & Automatic Post Excerpts

Be warned, at the moment this plugin will also make the changes in link and image URLs, which may cause them to break on some server setups.


  • just look at all those capital Ps


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