WordPress API Shortcode

Created by: Pereira Pulido Nuno Ricardo

Downloaded: 817 times

Adds the Shortcode [wpapi] in posts, pages and even in text widgets.

Fantastic !

With this plugin you will have access to all the information on WordPress.org for both themes to the plugins.

Simple and easy to use

You can use a set of shortcodes to make your special publication of a plugin or theme present on WordPress.org, here’s how it works:

[wpapi type="plugin" slug="freelancer"][/wpapi] 

Use type with plugin or theme. Use slug with the wordpress.org slug name.

Inside the main shortcode you can use this sub shortcodes:

[wpapi_slug] Show the slug, using this to customize urls example `<a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/[wpapi_slug]">Wordpress Plugin Site</a>`.  [wpapi_name] Show the name of plugin/theme.  [wpapi_author] Show the author link used into plugin/theme file.  [wpapi_contributors] Show the contributors list used into readme.  [wpapi_version] Show the version of plugin/theme.  [wpapi_added] Show the date when the plugin/theme added to WordPress.org repository.  [wpapi_last_updated] Show the date when the plugin/theme is updated.  [wpapi_author_profile] Show the profile uri on WordPress.org.  [wpapi_homepage] Show the homepage link used into plugin/theme.  [wpapi_requires] Show the version of WordPress need to working to plugin/theme.  [wpapi_tested] Show the version of WordPress tested of the plugin/theme.  [wpapi_downloaded] Show the number of downloads.  [wpapi_rating] Show the rating.  [wpapi_num_ratings] Show the number of votes.  [wpapi_download_link] Show the download uri.  [wpapi_donate_link] Show the donate uri used into plugin/theme.  [wpapi_description] Show the description.  [wpapi_installation] Show the installation.  [wpapi_screenshots] Show the list of screenshots used into WordPress.org repository.  [wpapi_changelog] Show the changelog used into readme.txt.  [wpapi_faq] Show the faq used into readme.txt.  [wpapi_other_notes] Show other notes used into readme.txt. 

If condition enabled for all sub shortcodes

All sub shortcodes can used shortcode to check if the field is present or not. Use istead: [wpapi_if_{field}][/wpapi_if_{field}]

Example for version: [wpapi_if_version]Version: [wpapi_version][/wpapi_if_version]



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