WPDeveloper.net brings ‘Block Referral Spam’ for all WordPress user for free.

This plugins blocks the most number of Referral Spams. Now no more notice from Google and no more weird report in Google Analytics.

Its super simple to use, nothing to setup, just install and activate the plugin, we will protect from 375+ separate domain (thanks to the user contribution) that spam your Google Analytics. This domain list is always increasing and biggest list available online.

You could give feedback to us directly, and suggest new spam domain, click here.

Here is our blog post, on how to get Top Referrer right from your WordPress Dashboard.

Check Our Other Plugins:

Contribute in GitHub!!
Contribute in GitHub. Click here!

This plugin is a great example of OpenSource community. Pull request are very welcome and usually accepted within 24hr. Together we fight with evil spam bot.

Don’t get confused with the term Referrer Spam or Referral Spam or Referer Spam. Google basically calls it Referral Traffic. It’s all mean the same thing.


You could use our free & pro plugins fro link below.



  • Example Spam At Google Analytics


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