WordPress Books Gallery WordPress Books Gallery

WordPress Books Gallery

Created by: HM Plugin

Downloaded: 84k times

WordPress Books Gallery is the Best Books Showcase & Library Plugin for WordPress which will build a beautiful mobile-friendly Books Store, Books Gallery or a Digital Library in a few minutes.

Here are 3 Simple reasons why you should start using WordPress Books Gallery Plugin on your website:

✅ Online Digital Library

With this WordPress Digital Library Plugin you can create your own online book store to display your books. Visitors can download books for free or buy them from a third party site.

✅ Easy Affiliate Marketing

Earn a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s books. Build, manage, and scale the online business you want.

✅ Sell Books Directly

You are an author or publisher and you have books to sell. Sell it directly from your site. Easy and Quick setup with WooCommerce.

How It Works!

When you click on a book, it will open with a detail page, where you will find Book Cover, Author, Published On, Publisher, ISBN, Total Pages, Country, Language, Book Dimensions, File Size, Description etc.
Use the shortcode: [wp_books_gallery] to display your books in your web page.

WordPress Books Gallery Plugin is a simple, effective and powerful plugin to Self Publish your desired Books.

Live Demo

Read more about WordPress Books Gallery.

🌟 Plugin Features:

  • Easy to install
  • Fully integrated in WordPress
  • Display books in catalog/showcase style
  • Lots of customization options
  • Fully Responsive Plugin
  • Search By Various Options
  • Active/Inactive Book
  • Number Of Books To Be Shown ( Using Shortcode & Paid )
  • Display Books By Category ( Using Shortcode )
  • Pagination ( Using Shortcode and Paid )
  • Search By ISBN
  • Search By Language
  • Search By Published Year
  • Display total number of books
  • Can be used as an Amazon Affiliate Plugin
  • Can be integrated to WooCommerce and sell Books
  • Book Reviews & Ratings
  • Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 integrated

✅ Options In Gallery Settings

  • Number of showing Gallery columns 2,3 and 4
  • Number of showing Gallery columns in Mobile 1 or 2
  • Sorting By Name, Author, Date etc.
  • Open Book Details On Same Tab Or A New Tab
  • Book Title Word Legth
  • Show/Hide Category
  • Category Label Text
  • Show/Hide Author
  • Author Label Text
  • Show/Hide Description
  • Description Word Length
  • Show/Hide BuyNow/Download Button
  • BuyNow/Download Button Text
  • Books display order ASC/DESC
  • Enable/Disable books details page
  • Books cover width full/default
  • BuyNow/Download Button Text/Background Color Option

✅ Options In Search Panel

  • Show/Hide Search Panel
  • Show/Hide Search By Book Name
  • Show/Hide Search By Category
  • Show/Hide Search By Author
  • Show/Hide Search By Publisher
  • Search Books Button Text
  • Search Books Button BG Color
  • Search Books Button Font Color
  • Search Books Button Border Color
  • Category Order ASC/DESC in Search Panel
  • Author Order ASC/DESC in Search Panel
  • Publisher Order ASC/DESC in Search Panel
  • Show/Hide Year Search Option
  • ASC/DESC Year Order in Search Panel
  • Show/Hide ISBN Seacrh Option
  • Set Default Option for Search Dropdown Items

✅ Options In Books Details Settings

  • Display Author and Author Label Text
  • Display Category and Category Label Text
  • Display Publisher and Publisher Label Text
  • Display Publish Date and Publish Date Label Text
  • Display ISBN and ISBN Label Text
  • Display Pages and Pages Label Text
  • Display Country and Country Label Text
  • Display Language and Language Label Text
  • Display Dimension and Dimension Label Text
  • Display File Size and File Size Label Text
  • Display BuyNow / Download Button
  • Display Description and Description Label Text
  • Published Date Format: Full / Year
  • Showing the book’s tags in details page

How to Build an Amazon Affiliate Store:

How to Sell eBook With WooCommerce:

➡️ Usage of Shortcode:⬅️
Show Books Gallery


Showing Books from a category

 [wp_books_gallery category="Noble"] 

🌟 Pro Features – Basic

  • Unlimited Books
  • Enable Paginaton
  • Book Cost Type: Free / Premium
  • Display Book Price: Regular and Discount
  • 115 Currency Available
  • Display Price at Gallery Page
  • Two Separate Book Links: Free Download and Buy From
  • Show-Hide total books via Shortcode
  • Show-Hide Seacrh Panel via Shortcode
  • Display Books of an Author via Shortcode
  • Book Format like Hard Cover, Audio Book, Kindle Edition, Paperback etc.
  • Book Series
  • Display Books by Language with Shortcode
  • Order By – Title, Date, Author etc. with Shortcode

🌟 Pro Features – Professional

  • Display Featured Books With Slider/Grid View
  • Display Latest Books With Slider/Grid View
  • Display Categorized Books With Slider/Grid View
  • Search Panel Item Drag & Drop Sorting
  • External Book Cover Image Url
  • Display Rating in Gallery Page
  • Display Rating in Single Page
  • Show-Hide Rating Option in Gallery Settings Page
  • Reading Age Info in Book Details Page
  • Grade Level Info in Book Details Page
  • ISBN-13 Option Available
  • Item Weight Option Available
  • Multiple Author Option Available
  • Co-Publisher Option Available
  • Co-Publisher Show-Hide Option Available
  • Allow Only Logged-in Users to Download Books
  • Import Books with CSV Format – Addon Available
  • Import Books from Open Library
  • Display Subtitle in Details Page
  • Display ASIN in Book Details
  • Display Edition in Book Details
  • Display Illustrator in Book Details
  • Front end sorting feature
  • Display Book details in popup modal
  • Option for Affiliate Code tag in url
  • Option to align button at bottom
  • Related books slide in single page
  • Author books slide in single page
  • Latest Books Slider Widget
  • Gallery Pagination Styling
  • Multiple Sale Sources (New)
  • Display a single book by book-id
  • Books by Category Panel
  • Author List Panel
  • Display Books of an Author Panel
  • Display Author Bio at Book Details Page

Upgrade to Pro!

📋 Translation Ready:

  • POT file included (/languages/)
  • Bengoli
  • Farsi (Iran)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Spanish (Ecuador)
  • Spanish (Venezuela)
  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Swedish (Sweden)
  • Romanian
  • French (France)
  • Arabic
  • German

👍 Thanks For Translation:

  • Morovat Guivi – Farsi (Iran)

👍 Feedback/Rating:
If you find this plugin helpful, feel free to give us your valuable review. Rate us and share this plugin with your friends and others. This will motivate us and help us to grow.
Rate Us

🔥 Other Plugins from HM Plugin

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👉 WordPress Resume Manager Plugin Display and manage personal resume or CV at your WordPress webpage
👉 WordPress Restaurant Menu Plugin Simplest plugin that displays food items, menus in your webpage
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👉 WordPress Product Showcase Plugin Display products with various informations on your website
👉 WordPress Testimonial Plugin Displays client’s testimonial, review or quote in multiple ways
👉 WordPress FAQ Plugin WordPress FAQ Plugin which will display various FAQs in your website


  • Showing Books Gallery Grid View
  • Showing Books Gallery List View
  • Books Gallery Single Page View
  • Books Gallery Featured Books View (Pro)
  • Main Gallery Content Settings Page
  • Main Gallery Styling Settings Page
  • Gallery Search Panel Settings Page
  • Gallery Single Page Settings Page


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