WP Comment Stats WP Comment Stats

WP Comment Stats

Created by: jammy-to-go

Downloaded: 1k times

The admin comment stats shows the following comment stats:

  1. Period Should be self-explanatory, it is the month and year for that particular row.
  2. Approved Shows the total number of comments that have been APPROVED.
  3. Posts Discussed Shows you the total number of posts during this period that received at least 1 approved comment.
  4. Commentator Statistics (CS.) Shows you the unique number for each of the sub-items: CS. Names: Total number of unique names used. CS. Emails: Total number of unique email addresses used. CS. URLs: Total number of unique websites used. CS. IPs: Total number of unique IP addresses
  5. Most Commented Post(s) Lists all of your posts that received at least 1 comment. The posts show here are listed by the number of comments received during that period (NOTE: It is common for a blog post to get comments for months after it is posted, as such if it shows 10 posts this month for a comment but there are 20 in total, look at previous months to see when the other comments arrived on this post).

The Dashboard widget shows the following comment stats (It is based on the tutorial found at http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/adding-custom-widgets-to-the-wordpress-admin-dashboard/):

  1. Comments in the past 7 days
  2. Comments in the past 10 years
  3. Comments in the past 12 months


Would you like to like to contribute to WP Comments Stats? You are more than welcome to submit your pull requests on the GitHub repo. Also, if you have any notes about the code, please open a ticket on the issue tracker.


  • WP Comments Stats Admin Page (running with WordPress 4.9.7 here)
  • WP Comments Stats Dashboard Widget (running with WordPress 4.9.7 here)


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