Often we need to copy URL of any media (image, video, document, etc…) and for that we have to go to the media library and copy URL from the input. This WordPress plugin will make this process easier by providing a button to copy media URL by just a single click. Once the plugin installed, button will appear in Media Grid View, Media List View, Attachment Details popup, Add Media while add/edit post/page and Edit Media.



  • Copy Media URL from media listing view and grid view
  • Copy Media URL from edit media page
  • Copy Media URL when upload new media
  • Copy Media URL from media details popup
  • This plugin provides settings to set copy button color and copy button text.

For further information on plugin or suggestions/comments on how to customize the plugin please feel free to connect with me https://freelancer-coder.com/contact-wordpress-developer/.


  • Copy Media URL button on Media Grid view
  • Copy Media URL Link on Media Listing view
  • Copy Media URL button Upload New Media for listing
  • Copy Media URL button on Attachment Details popup
  • Copy Media URL button when edit media
  • Copy Media URL When adding media for add/edit post/page
  • Copy Media URL settings page


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