WordPress Developer's Tool

Created by: NikolayS93

Downloaded: 724 times

This plugin added some more advanced functions for your site.
This set of add-ons which I created when developing websites.

Plugin can:

* Compress original big images
* Work with second titles
* Record views
* Tempory disable comments
* Remove attachments with posts
* Show empty page message
* Set maintenance mode
* Disable default emoji smiles


* Sticky blocks (Often used for navbar, http://stickyjs.com/ by Anthony Garand)
* Smooth scroll (own development @need jQuery)
* Back to top page button (without styles, own development @need jQuery)
* Enable Font Awesome (http://fontawesome.io/ by Dave Gandy)
* Enqueue animate.css (https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ by Daniel Eden)
* Enqueue wow.js (https://wowjs.uk/ by Thomas Grainger)
* Enqueue countTo (https://github.com/mhuggins/jquery-countTo by Matt Huggins)
* appearJs (http://creativelive.github.io/appear/ by Magicon)


* Set BestSeller product
* WholeSales
* Measure Unit
* Pack quantity
* Plus and Minus buttons
* Increase at package



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