WP Development Utilities

Created by: Fabio Cicerchia

Downloaded: 1k times

This script is useful during the development of WordPress, because will extend with a set of functions.


class WP_Dev_Utilities:

  • _debug() – A function to print variable only if the user logged as administrator
  • _retrieve_user_data() – Retrive user data informations only if user is logged in
  • count_num_pages_post($id) – Returns the number of pages of a post
  • get_current_execution_time($precision = 3) – Get the current execution time
  • get_logged_username() – Returns the name of the user logged on
  • get_post_content_from_id($id) – Return the content of the post from his id
  • get_post_content_from_permalink($permalink) – Return the contents of the post permalink
  • get_post_id_from_permalink($permalink) – Return the id of the post permalink
  • is_administrator() – Check if logged user has the administrator privileges
  • get_web_browser($shortname = false, $uppercase = false) – Returns the user’s browser name
  • get_web_server($uppercase = false) – Returns the web server is use
  • get_wp_version() – Get the current wordpress version
  • get_tag_slug($title) – Get the tag slug from tag title
  • get_current_tag_slug($title) – Get the tag slug from the current tag title



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