Download Counter Chart Download Counter Chart

Download Counter Chart

Created by: Michael Mrotzek

Downloaded: 4k times

This plugin adds a widget to display download statistics based on the Download Counter
plugin on your site. The sidebar widget will show a highly configurable chart based on the
Google Chart API. Furthermore it offers a dashboard widget that summarizes your
downloads, to get information quick at a glance.

The plugin supports following chart types:

  • Bar (horizontal)
  • Pie
  • Pie 3D

You can include a chart of your downloads on a page or in a post using the downloadcounterchart-shortcode.
Of course a download chart is includable in your theme. See extended documentation
for detailed explanations for that.


There are several ways to include a chart of your downloads on your site.

Page / Post (Shortcode)

[downloadcounterchart chart_type="pie" chart_width="490" chart_height="190" label_color="000000" label_size="11" sqlcondition="" bar_color="0066CC90" bar_height="-1" bg_color="FFFFFF00"]


  • chart_type – Type of the chart. Valid values: bar_horizontal, pie or pie3d.
  • chart_width – Width of the chart image in px. May be about the 2.5 times size of the height for a pie chart.
  • chart_height – Width of the chart image in px.
  • label_color – Hex color value for labels, optional with additional opacity value (e.g. 50% black = 00000050).
  • label_size – Font size of the labels.
  • sqlcondition – Optional SQL where statement, leave blank for all downloads.
  • bar_height – Bar chart only. You can explicitly set the bar height, but it may result in a chart that does not include
    all data, if the chart height is not big enough. Recommend to set -1 for auto-sizing.
  • bg_color – Background color. Hex color value, optional with additional opacity value (e.g. transparent = FFFFFF00)


downloadcounterchart_img($chart_type, $chart_width, $chart_height, $label_color = '333333', $label_size = '11', $sqlcondition = '', $bar_color='', $bar_height='', $bg_color='')


see section above


if (function_exists('downloadcounterchart_img') && class_exists('DownloadCounterChartApi')){
    downloadcounterchart_img(DLC_CHART_PIE, 490, 190, '000000', '11', '', '0066CC', '-1', 'FFFFFF00');


  • Dashboard widget giving a quick overview of your downloads.
  • Sidebar widget options to configure the rendered chart to your custom needs.
  • Example widget output on your site.
  • Pie chart in a post.


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