WP Enterprise Extension

Created by: Tor N. Johnson

Downloaded: 938 times

The WP Enterprise Extension (WEX) is a multi-function plugin that adds a set of enhancements to tailor wordpress to an enterprise setting. It adds additional media upload types, customizes the post & page edit pages, and enables bulk installation of security and user management plugins (improving consistency across instances of wordpress in an organization).

WEX will additionally add a new page template – “Blank” which is a utility template that enables developers to create non-html pages.

ACF Content Fields

The centerpiece of the WEX enhancements are the modifications to the post/page system. It adds the following sections to the post/page:

Head Tag Customizer
Many posts/pages will need customized CSS, Java-script, or in rare cases, unique meta tags (this does NOT include the SEO meta tags). The �Head Tag Customization� section enables the insertion of CSS and any other tags (usually Java-script) into the of the page.
The Custom CSS section will be inserted inside a tag, output below the inclusion of the external CSS files.
The Custom Meta / Java-script section will be summarily output into the section.
Both fields recognize and process shortcodes.

Custom Footer Code
This field will inject HTML at the very bottom of the page. While it can be used to display content, it�s real intended use is for developers to place code such as Java-script or one-off tracking pixels, or any other use where the code MUST be at the bottom of the page.


[theme_uri] – outputs the full URL of the blog and the active theme folder
[blog_uri] – shortcode equivalent of site_url()



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