WordPress EU VAT Helpers

Created by: sehrgute.software

Downloaded: 807 times

This WordPress plugin is basically a wrapper around the nifty mpociot/vat-calculator library. Use at your own risk!

Shortcode Usage

[localize_currency value="133.42" currency="EUR"]

Add EU VAT to value and format the result as a currency.


  • value (required): The amount to format
  • currency (optional, default: ‘EUR’): Currency format as three-letter ISO-4217 code
  • country (optional, default by user’s IP address): Override the country for which to apply taxes and adapt the format (two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code)


Display the EU VAT rate applicabe in the current user’s country in percent.


  • country (optional, default by user’s IP address): Override the country whose VAT rate to display (two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code)


Display the current user’s country based on their IP address.

[if_taxable]Echo something[/if_taxable]

Condtitionally display a piece of content if EU VAT is applicable in the current user’s country.


  • country (optional, default by user’s IP address): Override the country for which to check (two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code)

[unless_taxable]Echo something[/unless_taxable]

Condtitionally display a piece of content if EU VAT is not applicable in the current user’s country. (Inverse of if_taxable)


  • country (optional, default by user’s IP address): Override the country for which to check (two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code)



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