WP Experience API WP Experience API

WP Experience API

Created by: CTLT, Devindra Payment, loongchan

Downloaded: 2k times

Sends xAPI statements to LRS (tested against LearningLocker and cloud.scorm.com). Some features are enabled
ONLY if the dependent plugins have also been installed. The plugin can be used as a MU plugin as well.

It has been partially tested with:

Statements that can be sent are:

  • page views
  • post status changes
  • commenting
  • earning badges(1)
  • voting(2)

(1) requires

(2) currently only works with PulsePress theme (https://wordpress.org/themes/pulsepress/) when voting or starring

This plugin was developed at the UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology.


  • The network level administration screen for a Multisite WordPress installtion.
  • Site level administration page for users autorized to set the LRS at the site level.


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