Wp Floating Notifications

Created by: Vishal Kamal

Downloaded: 863 times

Wp Floating Notifications plugin is use to display Warning , Error, Success and Info messages with animated box. It is very simple to use.
You have to call simple function to set your notification.


1.Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

After installation:
This plugin include function “setWpNotification” to set your messages from anywhere.
This function having two argument
First: contains message (which you want to display).
Second: Message type Like:- error,warning,success,info.

We define four types of notification: error , warning, success, info.
you will use these notification type into your message.
default notification type is set to error.

setWpNotification(‘this is test error message’, ‘error’);
setWpNotification(‘this is test warning message’, ‘warning’);
setWpNotification(‘this is test success message’, ‘success’);
setWpNotification(‘this is test info message’, ‘info’);




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