WP Foundation Shortcodes Plugin makes your ZURB Foundation website to the most powerful framework by styling your content with shortcodes.

WP Foundation Shortcodes Demo

For best results use with Zurb Foundation 5 responsive theme

You can use ‘{}’ in every shortcode item, e.g. ‘[row {data-equalizer}]’, to get ‘<div class=”row” data-equalizer>’.


  • Shortcodes are easy to use (first of all, make sure that the editing mode is set to Visual)
  • No need to paste shortcode in editor
  • Add button control to TinyMCE editor
  • Select the shortcode you want to insert
  • Popup with choices of parameters
  • No additional JS or CSS files

All available shortcodes are conditionally divided into these groups:

  1. Posts: posts grid, posts list, posts lightbox, posts cycle
  2. Buttons: button, button groups, radio button group, split buttons, dropdown, button option group
  3. Elements: label, blockquotes, icon, address, inline list, keystroke, horisontal rule, clear
  4. Callouts & Prompts: alert box, panel, tooltip, banner, comments, service box, categories, tags
  5. Content: pricing table, progressbar, table, accordion, tabs, equalizer
  6. Grid: grid, block grid
  7. Widgets: google map, product card, product card with hover effects, social login buttons, pricing table recommended, pricing table animated
  8. Media: orbit slider, silck slider, thumbnail, cliaring lightbox, video
  9. Forms: switchers, range slider

The plugin contains a lot of shortcodes and widgets, we worked hard to make it easy for you.

Arbitrary section

Requires a theme built with Foundation 5.

A brief Markdown Example

  1. [label color=”secondary” corners=”round”]Round Secondary Label[/label]
  2. [button color=”alert” size=”large” icon=”fa fa-exclamation-triangle”]Large Alert Button[/button]
  3. [blockquote author=”Cicero” class=”my_custom_class”]At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio[/blockquote]
  4. [icon icon=”fa-warning” size=”40px” color=”red” class=”my_custom_class”]Alert[/icon]
  5. [range_slider direction=”horizontal” corners=”radius” class=”my_custom_class” initial_value=”10″ start_value=”0″ end_value=”100″ step=”0″]
  6. [address title=”Gaius Baltar” class=”my_custom_class”]123 Colonial Ave.
    Caprica City
    Caprica, 12345
  7. [alert_box color=”alert” corners=”radius” class=”my_custom_class” icon=”fa-exclamation-triangle” close=”yes”]This is an alert with radius corners[/alert_box]
  8. [dropdown button_text=”Down” button_size=”small” button_color=”alert” dropdown_autoclose=”yes” dropdown_open_on_hover=”no”]This is a link
    This is another
    Yet another[/dropdown]
  9. [pricing_table title=”Standard” price=”$99.99″ description=”An awesome description” item_name_1=”1 Database” item_name_2=”5GB Storage” item_name_3=”20 Users” button_text=”Buy Now” link=”#” target=”_blank” class=”my_custom_class”]
  10. [progressbar value=”60″ color=”success” corners=”round” class=”my_custom_class”]
  11. [table caption=”Foundation table” colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left|center|left|right”]
  12. [accordions] [accordion title=”title1″ active=”yes”] tab content [/accordion] [accordion title=”title2″] another content tab
    [/accordion] [/accordions]
  13. [tabs direction=”horizontal” class=”my_custom_class”][tab title=’Title #1′] Tab 1 content… [/tab] [tab title=’Title #2′] Tab 2 content… [/tab] [tab title=’Title #3′] Tab 3 content… [/tab][/tabs]
  14. [equalizers] [equalizer title=”Panel 1″] Panel 1 text … [/equalizer] [equalizer title=”Panel 2″] Panel 2 text … [/equalizer] [equalizer title=”Panel 3″] Panel 3 a lot of text text text text… [/equalizer] [/equalizers]

To full documentation.


  • how it looks after installation
  • shortcode pop-up in the TinyMCE Editor
  • buttons example
  • labels example
  • range sliders example
  • alerts example
  • dropdowns example
  • pricing table example
  • progressbars example
  • table example
  • accordion example
  • tabs example
  • equalizer example


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