Frequently Searched Words Frequently Searched Words

Frequently Searched Words

Created by: Kazuya Takami

Downloaded: 2k times

You can check the count number of words searched in the site search in the administration menu.
If you paste the following shortcode into a template, post, etc., you can output it.

[ Example ]

if ( shortcode_exists( 'wp-frequently-searched-words' ) ) {
    echo do_shortcode( '[wp-frequently-searched-words]' );

Attributes that can be set for short code

  • id : e.g) id=”example”
  • class : e.g) class=”example”
  • limit : e.g) limit=”5″ (default: 10)


  • email to foundationmeister[at]
  • twitter @miiitaka


  • <p>Save the word you searched in the site search and display it in a favorite place with a short code.</p>
  • <p>You can see the number of words searched on the administration menu.</p>


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