WP Githuber MD – WordPress Markdown Editor WP Githuber MD – WordPress Markdown Editor

WP Githuber MD – WordPress Markdown Editor

Created by: Terry Lin

Downloaded: 142k times

An all-in-on WordPress Markdown Plugin provides a variety of features such as Markdown editor, live-preview, image-paste, HTML-to-Markdown helper, and more..

Read detailed document, please visit https://github.com/terrylinooo/githuber-md.


The Video shows you the following steps:

  1. Convert HTML to Markdown by using HTML to Markdown tool.
  2. Cut up a selection area of an image and copy it from Photoshop, then paste it to Markdown Editor.
  3. Click “Update” button to save Markdown to post_content_filtered and save HTML to post_content (it is what you will see in result).
  4. View the result.

How it works

  1. WP Githuber MD will save your Markdown content into wp_posts.post_content_filtered.
  2. Parse the Markdown to HTML, save the parsed HTML content into wp_posts.post_content.

This plugin will detect your Markdown content and decide what scripts will be loaded, to avoid loading unnecessary scripts.
For example, if you enabled Syntax highlight, you have to update your post again to take effects.


The better situation to use this plugin is you just started a new blog.

If you’re planning to use this plugin in an existing blog, be sure to:

  • Turn off other Markdown plugins, because the similar plugins might do the same things when submitting your posts, may have some syntax conversion issues between Markdown and HTML.
  • My suggestion is to turn off revision and auto-save, there are options in setting page.


  • Markdown editor.
  • Live preview.
  • Spell check.
  • Enable / disable Markdown for single post.
  • Support Gutenberg editor.
  • Support custom post types.
  • Support Markdown extra syntax.
  • HTML-to-Markdown tool.
  • Image copy & paste (support uploading to Imgur.com and sm.ms)
  • Highlight code syntax. (prism.js or hightlight.js)
  • Flow chart.
  • KaTex.
  • Sequence diagram.
  • Mermaid.
  • MathJax.
  • Emoji.
  • Github flavored Markdown task list.
  • Fetch remote images.
  • Keyword suggestion tool.
  • and more…


English (en_US) by Colocal.
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) by Alex Lion.
Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) by Terry Lin.


WP Githuber MD, Copyright 2018-2020 TerryL.in
WP Githuber MD is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


  • HTML-to-Markdown tool.
  • Image copy and paste.
  • Update post and see result.
  • Syntax Highlighing
  • Mermaid.
  • KaTex.
  • Flow Chart.
  • Sequence Diagram.
  • Setting Page 1. (Markdown)
  • Setting page 2. (Modules)
  • Setting page 3. (Extensions)
  • Setting page 4. (Preferences)


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