
Created by: Viktoria Rei Bauer

Downloaded: 9k times

WP-Headlineanimator is a Plugin for WordPress. It generates an animated GIF File to be displayed in signatures or wherever you like to advertise for your Blog.


  • WordPress >= 2.9
  • some time
  • Access to your webserver
  • A background picture for your signature
  • A Font file (ttf)
  • PHP with GDlib support


  • As a forum signature can be called very_often, it is pointless generating the picture from scratch via PHP
  • The gif image is updated everytime you WRITE, DELETE or MODIFY a post.
  • The Plugin is qTranslate-Compatible (this is a plugin for multilingual blogs)


  • English
  • German
  • Turkish (thanks to MysD)

If you want to see this plugin in your language, feel free to contact me or use transifex.net to contribute.



The configuration takes place in the administrative backend on
Options -> WP-HeadlineAnimator. The options are kept to a minimum to keep it
simple and intuitive. Basic options here:

Background image: This text field requires the path to your HeadlineAnimator
Background picture relative to your WordPress installation.
If the picture is not accessible, the label is shown in red

Font file: This text field requires the absolute path to a font
file (ttf) on your server. It is used to write text on the
Background image. If the fomt file is not accessible,
the label is shown in red

Target: This is the path where your image should be written to;
relative to your WordPress Installation

Text on Picture: Text entered here is shown on the Animator.

Text Color: Enter a color here in Hex format (#ffffff is white). This
color will be used for the text on the picture.

Show date on animator: If you want your headlines to be prefixed with a date,
check this box.

Date format: This is direct access to the PHP date() function used
to display the date prefix of your headlines.

If you got things right, “HTML Code for your Animator” is shown including your


  • no error handler on if output file is not writeable



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