Lead Form Data Collection to CRM Lead Form Data Collection to CRM

Lead Form Data Collection to CRM

Created by: Smackcoders

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Empower your WordPress website with the Lead Form Data Collection to CRM plugin, your ultimate solution for capturing WordPress contact form data and effortlessly converting it into leads or contacts within your preferred CRM. This powerful tool simplifies the lead data collection process and seamlessly integrates it with your CRM system, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing potential errors.

With Lead Form Data Collection to CRM, you can:

  • Effortlessly Collect Lead Data: Capture lead data from your WordPress contact forms or Contact Form 7 with ease.
  • Seamless CRM Integration: Integrate collected data with your chosen CRM system for streamlined lead management.
  • User-Friendly Shortcodes: Create dynamic shortcodes to embed web forms in posts, pages, custom posts, sidebars, widgets, and popups.
  • Enhanced Security: Safeguard your lead data with built-in Captcha protection, ensuring data integrity.

This plugin provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies form customization, allowing you to create, edit, and update fields effortlessly. Manage leads efficiently and assign them to your CRM system’s users for streamlined workflows and automated lead conversion.

Helpful links to try

Get the Free Trial of WP Leads Builder for CRM Pro
See the plugin in action at our demo instance.
Access Help or Documentation

You can choose one from a collection list as add-ons for Zoho CRM, Zoho CRM Plus, Salesforce, Freshsales, Vtiger CRM, SuiteCRM & SugarCRM.

Download & Install your CRM add-on

To integrate your chosen CRM, make sure to install and activate both WP Leads Builder For CRM and the respective CRM add-on. Below are the CRM add-ons available:
* Zoho CRM & Zoho CRM Plus
* Salesforce
* SugarCRM
* Freshsales
* Vtiger CRM

Key features

  • Generate web forms for lead data collection from default forms or Contact Form 7.
  • Seamlessly integrate with your CRM system of choice.
  • Utilize dynamic shortcodes for embedding web forms throughout your WordPress content.
  • Secure your lead data with Captcha protection to prevent spam and maintain data accuracy.
  • Customize and manage form fields via a user-friendly interface.
  • Automate lead assignment and follow-up processes to optimize your CRM operations.

Simplify the lead data collection process, streamline CRM integration, and elevate your lead management with Lead Form Data Collection to CRM. Transform your WordPress website into a lead generation and CRM powerhouse with ease.

Upgrading to Pro

Upgrade to the Pro version and unlock advanced features, including:

Enhanced WordPress Integration:
– Sync WordPress users and data collected from forms as either contacts or leads.
– Sync existing WordPress users with a one-time sync as leads or contacts.
– Sync custom fields created with MemberPress, WP-Members, and ACF custom fields under the WordPress Users module with leads and contacts in your CRM.

WooCommerce Integration:
– Send checkout information and capture abandoned cart customers as CRM leads.
– Gain valuable insights into your visitors’ WooCommerce journey on your website.

Third-Party Form Builder Support:
– Integrate with third-party form builders such as Ninja Forms, Gravity Forms, and Contact Form 7.
– Easily sync data from these forms with your CRM.

Advanced CRM Lead Conversion:
– Convert WordPress Users into potential leads or contacts of your CRM system with ease.
– Synchronize existing users and newly registered users for a seamless lead management experience.

Efficient Data Handling:
– Create, update, or skip options to handle duplicate entries effectively.
– Implement Google Captcha to prevent spam submissions and maintain data accuracy.

Unlimited Forms:
– Easily create and manage an unlimited number of forms, tailoring your lead capture process to your specific needs.

Video Tutorials:
Explore our YouTube playlist containing informative tutorials on WP Leads Builder for CRM plugin.
Watch Video Tutorials

To upgrade to the Leads Builder For Any CRM Pro, visit our website.

For more information and detailed instructions, refer to our Leads Builder for CRM Pro documentation.

Unlock the full potential of your lead data collection and CRM integration with Leads Builder For Any CRM Pro.


  • CRM configuration settings
  • CRM Forms with Shortcodes
  • Inbuilt/Default Form
  • Thirdparty Forms
  • Form Settings
  • WP User Sync


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