Custom Login Page plugin give ability to customize your WordPress login screen according to you. Create unique login design with Custom Login Page plugin, Almost every element on login page is customizable with Custom Login Page plugin. Design beautiful and eye catching login page styles in few Minutes.

Plugin allows to change background color, background image, login form color, login form font size, login form position, input field styling, button styling, logo image, link text, welcome message, google captcha and many more…


Plugin Features

  • Enable/Disable Plugin any time using plugin Dashboard.
  • Pre Design layout with one click demo importer.
  • Add Your Logo Image / Logo Text on Login Form.
  • Background Colour.
  • Background Image.
  • Background Image Overlay Color Settings.
  • Login Form Image / Color.
  • Login Form Transparency.
  • Customize Login Form Positions.
  • Login Form Width & Height.
  • Login Form Button Styling.
  • Login Form Button Size.
  • Google reCaptcha.
  • Redirect Users like (All Subscribers, Editors, Authors and Contributors) on Custom URL After Login.
  • Customize Lost Password Text, ‘Back To’ Site Text.
  • All Your Server Systme Information.
  • Interactive Plugin Dashboard.
  • Import & Export All Plugin Settings.
  • Powerful And Easy Setting Panel.
  • Unlimited Colour Scheme.
  • Welcome message: – You can add Welcome Message on your Login, Registration, Lost Password and Logout page.

  • Modification – If you have new ideas concerning Custom Login Page plugin and we may help you to realize them, do not hesitate to write us.

  • Support – If you use Custom Login Page plugin and have problems and conflict with other plugin and theme, be sure to contact our support team with the following email address: webhuntinfotech[at]gmail[dot]com.

  • Update – We constantly do updates, Free user may download the latest version from WordPress.

Guys please send us your login screenshots at webhuntinfotech[at]gmail[dot]com.

Custom Login Page Pro Features

  • Error Messages – One of the main feature of the Login Page Customer Pro. You can change every error message that user will get depending on the outcome of login attempts, registration attempts or forget attempts.

  • Social Media Login – Custom Login Page Pro plugin have Social Login that allows your user to log in via their social media account like Facebook, Google, Twitter with few clicks.

  • Max Login Retry – Set the limit of maximum login retry attempts by user on login form.

  • Email Notification of User Lockouts – Get email notification after the number of failed attempts.

  • Failed Login Attempts Logs – Plugin save failed login attempts detail so you can easily find detail of spam and bots

  • Restrict Unauthorized IP – You can add the IP address or IP range to the blacklist. The user will no longer able to login.

  • Manually Added Wishlist IP – You can add the IP address or IP range to the whitelist. The user will no longer face the limitation restriction.

  • Login Form Logo – You can add your own logo image or text logo of company & brand.

  • Login Form Background – Add colors, image, slide show on background of login page.

  • Overlay Color Settings – Set overlay color and opacity on login page background image.

  • Login Form Design – You can change your login form design with position, height & width, colors, background colors, icons, placeholder text, label text and buttons.

  • ** Login Form Transparency** – Make your login form transparent using this option.

  • Redirect Users After Login – Admin can redirect it’s existing user after login to a particular page.

  • Welcome message – You can add Welcome Message on your Login, Registration, Lost Password and Logout page.

  • Google reCpatcha – reCaptcha setting will secure your login form to spam and bots.

  • Interactive Plugin Dashboard – Plugin setting dashboard is intuitive and simple in design with tool tips for complex settings.

  • Fast Help & Support – Our support is super fast and quick you can check free plugin review for this.

  • Major Browser Compatible – Plugin is compatible with major browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari etc.

Upgrade to: Pro Version


Check out our other products

Please help us to translate this plugin in all WordPress available languages and send us your translated file to us at webhuntinfotech[at]gmail[dot]com.

If you have any question contact us at here: Plugin Support Forum


  • Custom Login Page Preview 1
  • Custom Login Page Preview 2
  • Custom Login Page Preview 3
  • Custom Login Page Preview 4
  • Custom Login Page Preview 5
  • Custom Login Page Preview 6
  • Custom Login Page Preview 7
  • Plugin Setting Dashboard
  • Pre Design Layout with Importer


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