WP Metarepeater WP Metarepeater

WP Metarepeater

Created by: Anandaraj balu

Downloaded: 721 times

This is Meta Repeater plugin. Its used to create dynamic meta fields for post and custom post types.

Custom Options

1. Install Plugin
2. Select post types
3. It has three types of inputs types   
    There are:      
        1. Text
        2. URL and
        3. Text area    

Display Functions

1. Display meta `<?php the_wpmr_field( 'key_name' ); ?>`
2. Get individual meta `<?php echo get_wpmr_field( 'post_id', 'key_name' ); ?>`
3. Display meta repeater `<?php the_wpmr_repeater(); ?>`
4. Get individual meta `<?php echo get_wpmr_repeater( 'post_id' ); ?>`



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