WordPress MooTools Tree Creator WordPress MooTools Tree Creator

WordPress MooTools Tree Creator

Created by: Aryan Duntley

Downloaded: 5k times

This plugin utilizes mootools, mootree and milkbox javascript libraries to transform a cutom hierarchical post type into a branched tree. The tree is toggleable as a whole or by element considering the element has children.

The following are some of the configurable options:

  • Initially display the tree as open.
  • Initially display any elements as open.
  • Choose whether to display connecting lines.
  • Choose to display a unique icon for elements with no children.
  • Choose whether to display expand/contract buttons top, bottom, both, none.
  • Change the “theme” of you icons. There are two default themes, you can create your own.
  • Change the behavior of the tree by editing the javascript (text editor with default script located in post category page). The default behavior is to display a lightbox containing the featured image if it exists.
  • Create as many different trees as you want by simply assinging them to a new category.
  • If you would like the branch to link to a url, you have a field for that (note: the javascript would need to be changed).
  • Create a css id for each specific element. This can then be styled in any included .css file.
  • Define the color of text for any specific element.
  • Define a unique icon (both for the branch closed and branch open states) for any specific element.
  • Assign miscellaneous text for each specific element. This can be used for whatever purpose you choose, but was placed as an option in order for a user to define for each element a json, url or similar style name/value pair string to be accessed via the javascript methods available in the editor.
  • Set a featured image for each individual element. The default behavior is to display this image in a lightbox when the element is clicked.

Plugin site: Aryan Duntley
Example in use: CGJJAcademy

Tools used:

Donations welcome. If you find this plugin useful and would maybe like to request more features or hope for future updates and optimizations, please help me eat! I find it takes a lot of pizza to code, something about thinking and calories…


  • This is the default look and feel of the plugin (on the left).  Visit <a href="http://clarkgracie.com/family-tree/" title="Clark Gracie San Diego Jiu Jitsu Academy">CGJJAcademy</a> to see it in action.
  • Add new post page for custom post type Branch.
  • Edit Category page.  Each category will represent a new instance of the tree allowing for as many trees as you may need.


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