WP Nav Plus WP Nav Plus

WP Nav Plus

Created by: mattkeys

Downloaded: 15k times

WP Nav Plus has been designed to fill gaps in the WordPress menu system which make it difficult to accomplish many popular website design patterns. This is a tool built for developers to help get the right menu items output onto the page. This plugin applies no additional CSS styling or JS interaction to menus. Styling and interaction are the job of the theme, and may need to be altered to achieve your desired appearance.

This plugin integrates with the native WordPress WP Nav Menu function which means you can access all of the features of this plugin in your templates. There is also an included widget as an alternative integration method.

Split Menus

Many website designs call for a submenu, often right below the primary navigation in the header, or in a sidebar on interior pages. These submenu’s are designed to show the children of the currently active menu item. WP Nav Plus makes it super simple to build out these types of menus using the widget, or by using the ‘start_depth’ argument in your wp_nav_menu() function.

Divided Menus

A fairly common website design pattern you may see online calls for the header navigation menu to be placed left and right of a central object, like the site logo. WP Nav Plus makes it very easy to build out these menus using the widget, or by using the ‘divider_html’ argument in your wp_nav_menu() function.

Limit and Offset

Often website designs call for a menu to be split up into multiple columns, or rows. Such as a multi-column footer sitemap. WP Nav Plus provides the capabilities you need to quickly build these custom menu layouts using the widget, or by using the ‘limit’ and ‘offset’ argument in your wp_nav_menu() function.

Menu Segments

It is sometimes useful to display a particular segment of your WordPress menu on its own. Menu Segments allow you to specify a portion of your menu for display based on the parent menu item. Uses for menu segments could include Footer Sitemaps, Mega Menus, or all sorts of other custom menu layout needs. Accomplish menu segments by using the widget, or by using the ‘segment’ argument in your wp_nav_menu() function.

Installation & Configuration

  1. Login to your WordPress Admin page (usually http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin)
  2. Navigate to the Plugins screen and then click the “Add New” button
  3. Click on the “Upload” link near the top of the page and browse for the WP Nav Plus zip file
  4. Upload the file, and click “Activate Plugin” after the installation completes
  5. See the documentation which includes some video recordings of the included functionality to help you get started

This plugin can be used either with the provided “WP Nav Plus” widget, or in your PHP templates, by using the new arguments which this plugin adds to the WP Nav Menu function.

For help getting started please see the included documentation in the /documentation directory or online at: http://mattkeys.me/documentation/wp-nav-plus/


  • Split menu in PHP template usage
  • Split menu with widget example configuration and output
  • Split menu with widget example configuration and output depth 2
  • Using two widgets together to create multiple split menus
  • Divided menu example with logo in center
  • Split menu widget options
  • Divided menu widget options
  • Limit/Offset menu widget options
  • Menu segment widget options


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