WP News Photo Gallery is a WordPress plugin to create photo gallery on your WordPress website! View “Photo Gallery” page for photo gallery style.

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You can select/change

  • Auto Play On/Off.
  • Animation Style Slide/Fade.
  • Control Navigation Yes/No.
  • Pause On Hover On/Off.
  • Auto Loop On/Off.
  • Thumbnail Size.
  • Thumbnail Item Margin.


  1. Go to your Dashboard after installation and navigate to “Photo Gallery >> Gallery Settings” to configure the gallery options.
  2. Create new gallery item and upload multiple featured images for showing gallery.
  3. View “Photo Gallery” page for photo gallery style.


  • Very easy installation
  • Widget system
  • Unlimited color variation by using jQuery color picker.
  • Responsive design
  • Flexible and easy to use
  • Lightweight JQuery


  • Gallery View
  • Gallery Archive
  • Gallery Settings


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