WP Panoramio

Created by: Ryan Sutana

Downloaded: 1k times

Panoramio module is a simple plugin that display best photos worldwide, this plugin get all photos from http://www.panoramio.com site, all photos that served and uploaded in that site are viewable in this module, you can select which city or country to get the images from.

For more updated details and support please visit plugin site at WP Panoramio.

  • Style
    1. Photo List
    2. Slideshow
    3. Photo
    4. List
  • Editable Photo List thumbnail position
    1. Top
    2. Right
    3. Bottom
    4. Left
  • Editable number of thumbnail to display
  • Editable list orientation
    1. Vertical
    2. Horizontal
  • Editable width and height
  • Editable bacgkround color

Important links

  • My portfolio: http://www.sutanaryan.com/portfolio/
  • My Blog: http://www.sutanaryan.com/
  • Twitter: @ryansutana
  • Need a Web Developer [visit http://www.sutanryan.com/services/]



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