WP Payment comes with 3 most popular payment gateway, PayPal, Authorize.NET, and Stripe to process payment in different currecines.

Frontend Demo
Backend Demo

Free Version Features

  • Available widget for Elementor Page Builder and Gutenberg block.
  • Shortcode [WP_PAYMENT_FORM] place any pages/posts to display form.
  • Payment only in USD currency.
  • Normal One Time Donation by PayPal and Authorize.NET.
  • Detail records of payment show in Admin.
  • PayPal and Authorize.NET available with Sandbox and Live account compatiable.
  • Email Notification to User and Admin.
  • No customization of Email Body and Email Subject.
  • 1 default layout design with 1 type of validation style.
  • API Key retrival tutorial at admin screen.

Premium Version Features

  • Available widget for Elementor Page Builder and Gutenberg block.
  • Shortcode [WP_PAYMENT_FORM] place any pages/posts to display form.
  • All currency support for 3 payment gateway.
  • Recurring payment option by Authorize.NET.
  • Recurring settings fully controlled by Admin.
  • Onetime payment option by Stripe, PayPal, and Authorize.NET.
  • Detail records of payment show in Admin with recurring details.
  • PayPal, Authorize.NET and Stripe available with Sandbox and Live account compatiable.
  • Email Notification to User and Admin.
  • Full customization of Email Body and Email Subject with shortcode.
  • 7 default layout design with 7 type of validation style, includes mobile device compatiability.
  • API Key retrival tutorial at admin screen.
  • 24×7 technical support.

Know More

These makes more easy and very much user friendly donation page that any user if want to donate some amount, then the user can eaisly do that, without any hassle.
As a admin you can put the payment gateway form into anywhere of any pages by using shortcode “[WP_PAYMENT_FORM]”

After payment is successfully done the transaction ID or Recurring ID or Subscription ID is shown into the existing page, under of the form. It makes the site more popular on the basis of user friendly.

Now, as a admin of the site you can put your account credentials into the backend.
And also you can see the records of submitted payments into backend, with Subscription or Recurring details

Into the backend you can eaisly filter and also search the payments like post, pages etc.

These plugin is associated with 3 payment gateways PayPal Pro, Authorize.Net, Stripe.

Do you need Recurring Donation? OR Recurring Payments?
Go for premium version WP Payment Premium

In our Premium you can also customize the settings for recurring. Like Monthly, Yearly, Daily etc.

*** Keep In Mind, Before you activate Premium version, please deactivate Free Version and vice-versa. ***


  • screenshot-1, Key retrival tutorial
  • screenshot-2, PayPal payment setup
  • screenshot-3, Authorize.NET payment setup
  • screenshot-4, Stripe payment setup
  • screenshot-5, Curency setup
  • screenshot-6, Payment record details
  • screenshot-7, Email settings
  • screenshot-8, Form layout, premium version
  • screenshot-9, Form layout, premium version
  • screenshot-10, Form layout, premium version
  • screenshot-11, Form layout, premium version
  • screenshot-12, Form layout, premium version
  • screenshot-13, Form layout, premium version
  • screenshot-14, Form layout, default free version


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