WP Post Author – Boost Your Blog's Engagement with Author Box, Social Links, Co-Authors, Guest Authors, Post Rating System, and Custom User Registration Form Builder WP Post Author – Boost Your Blog's Engagement with Author Box, Social Links, Co-Authors, Guest Authors, Post Rating System, and Custom User Registration Form Builder

WP Post Author – Boost Your Blog's Engagement with Author Box, Social Links, Co-Authors, Guest Authors, Post Rating System, and Custom User Registration Form Builder

Created by: AF themes

Downloaded: 664k times

Elevate the quality and engagement of your posts with our comprehensive solution! The WP Post Author Box ensures an appealing author display, while the Co-Authors and Guest Authors feature facilitates seamless collaboration. Additionally, our Post Rating System empowers readers to provide valuable feedback. Furthermore, the Drag & Drop Registration Form Builder allows you to generate leads for your business.
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Plugin Features:

WP Post Author is the Best Author Box plugin with social icons and Post Rating System for WordPress.

πŸ’ Post Author Box

WP Post Author box for single post or/and single author page

The main module of the author box has Section Title option, it’s content alignment, i.e left/right/center and your profile image shapes. The plugin also adds number of social contacts custom fields. It fetches the data from default WordPress’s user profile dashboard.

  • Auto Append to the Content
  • Co-Authors and Guest Authors Support
  • Customizable Author Box
  • Translatable and Customizable String
  • Block with customizable option
  • Widgets with customizable option
  • Shortcode with customizable option
  • Profile Tab option on Author Box PRO
  • Author’s Latest Posts Tab PRO
  • Author’s Top Rated Posts Tab PRO
  • Author Rating based on Top Rated Posts PRO
  • Advance Color Options PRO

πŸ‘₯ Co-Authors

The WordPress post meta box to assign post to Co-Authors

The module of the plugin has feature to create and add multiple authors and guest authors for a single post. You can add/update and delete registered users from the post metabox named, Authors.

  • Multi-Author option
  • New Author Creation Form
  • Supports Co-Authors
  • Co-Author Rating based on Top Rated Post PRO
  • Co-Author Profile Tab option on Author Box PRO
  • Co-Author Latest Posts Tab option on Author Box PRO
  • Co-Author Top Rated Posts Tab option on Author Box PRO
  • Single Author Profile Block PRO
  • All Authors Profile List Block PRO

🎩 Guest Authors

The WordPress panel to create and assign post to guest authors

The module of the plugin has feature to add create and add multiple guest authors for a single post. You can add/update and delete registered authors from the admin menu named, Guest Authors.

  • Dashboard to create Guest Author with details
  • Dashboard to lists all Guest Authors
  • Editable the existing Guest Author
  • Guest Author’s Rating based on Top Rated Post PRO
  • Guest Author’s Profile Tab option on Author Box PRO
  • Guest Author’s Latest Posts Tab option on Author Box PRO
  • Guest Author’s Top Rated Posts Tab option on Author Box PRO
  • Single Guest Author Profile Block PRO
  • All Guest Authors Profile Block PRO

⭐ Post Rating System

Enable readers to give star ratings to posts

Introducing the Post Rating system, a valuable feature that enhances user engagement on your website. With this functionality, logged-in readers have the ability to give star ratings to individual posts. This system allows readers to easily provide ratings, helping to highlight the popularity or quality of the posts.

  • Global Enable/Disable Post Rating Option
  • Single Post Enable/Disable Post Rating Option
  • Site-wide Top Rated Posts PRO
  • Advance Settings PRO
  • Top Rated Posts Block PRO
  • Ratings visible on Post List Admin Dashboard PRO
  • Top Rated Post on General Admin Dashboard PRO
  • Login page link option for Post Rating PRO
  • Registration page link option for Post Rating PRO

πŸ”₯ Recommended Post

Enable readers to give star ratings to posts

Introducing the Recommended Posts algorithm, a valuable feature that enhances user engagement on your website. With this functionality, users have the ability to get posts list with their preference.

  • Auto Appended Recommended Post to the content​ PRO
  • Recommended Post based on user preference​ PRO
  • Advanced Settings for Recommended Post ​​ PRO
  • Recommended Post Block​ PRO

πŸ“‹ Registration Form Builder

The WordPress form builder panel to create variety of author registrations forms

The module of the plugin has feature to create and add multiple registrations forms for your website. You can add/update and delete registrations from the builder admin menu, Resgistration Forms.

  • Customizable Login Form Block
  • User Registration Form Builder
  • Fully Customizable Registration Form Block
  • ReCaptcha Itegration
  • Social Fields PRO
  • Login Page Selection Option PRO
  • Register Page Selection Option PRO

πŸ”’ reCaptcha V2 or V3

You can add reCaptcha (V2 or V3) for your form registration and login

The setting of the plugin has feature to add reCaptcha for registrations/login forms for your website.

πŸ“₯ Custom Mail SMTP configuration

You can set either default WordPress mail setting or Custom SMTP configuration

The setting of the plugin has feature to select between default WordPress email or custom SMTP configuration for registrations/login emails for your website.

WordPress (Gutenberg) Blocks

WP Post Author plugin contains 3 Gutenberg blocks. Author Box Block for the post author informations, Author Registration Block for new post author signups and Author Login Block for user sign-in.

πŸ’ Author Box Block
It has number of input fields to add author informations. The block module of the author box has Section Title option, it’s content alignment, i.e left/right/center and your profile image shapes. The plugin also adds number of social contacts custom fields.

πŸ’ User Registration Form Block
You can select and add the specific block from the form builder to page/post in order to allow author registration.

πŸ’ User Login Form Block
You can add the user login block to page/post.

πŸ’ Single Author Bio Block
You can display any selected user’s profile at anywhere with the block editor. PRO

πŸ’ All Authors Bio Block
You can display all user’s profiles at anywhere with the block editor. PRO

πŸ’ Single Guest Author Bio Block
You can display any selected guest user’s profiles at anywhere with the block editor. PRO

πŸ’ All Guest Authors Bio Block
You can display all guest user’s profiles at anywhere with the block editor. PRO

πŸ’ Top Rated Posts Block
You can show site-wide top rated posts at anywhere with the block editor. PRO

πŸ’ Recommended Posts Block
You can show recommended posts based on user’s preferences at anywhere with the block editor. PRO

Legacy Widgets

WP Post Author for single post and single author page

The widget module of the author box has Section Title option, it’s content alignment, i.e left/right/center and your profile image shapes. The plugin also adds number of social contacts custom fields. It fetches the data from default WordPress’s user profile dashboard.

WP Posts Author Widget
It reads the post’s author data from their WordPress profile dashboard.

WP Posts Author (Specific) Widget
You can enter the specific user id to read the selected author data from their WordPress profile dashboard.

WP Posts Author (Custom) Widget
The widgets have number of custom fields like Section Title, Name, Image Upload, Biography along with social links inputs to make custom author box.


The plugin also powers shortcode option for your posts/pages builder and third party widgets with having number of attributes to make the author box approriate.

πŸ’ Author Box [wp-post-author]

  • title – Any text string.
  • align – left, right or center.
  • image-layout – square or round.
  • show-role – true or false.
  • show-email – true or false.

πŸ’ User Registration Form [awpa-registration-form]

  • title – Any text string.
  • form_id – Registration Form ID, i.e any whole number.

πŸ’ Author Login Form [awpa-user-login]

  • title – Any text string.
  • button_text – Any text string.

Social and links options

  • Facebook – Display if available (Custom User Field).
  • Instagram – Display if available (Custom User Field).
  • YouTube – Display if available (Custom User Field).
  • Twitter – Display if available (Custom User Field).
  • LinkedIn – Display if available (Custom User Field).
  • Email – Display if available.
  • Website – Display if available.

Multiple authors byline support to the theme

If you’ve just installed WP Post Author, it will add a post author box with multiple authors under the content. You might notice that the bylines are being added in the backend but aren’t appearing on the frontend. You’ll need to add the function to your theme before the bylines will appear.

if(class_exists('WP_Post_Author')){ awpa_ma_multi_authors_list_post(); } else{ theme original code or function}

We are also working for the enhancement of the feature.

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πŸ‘‰ Latest Posts Block
πŸ‘‰ Magic Content Box
πŸ‘‰ Pricing Table Block
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πŸ‘‰ Newsever Pro
πŸ‘‰ Newsphere Pro
πŸ‘‰ Shopical Pro
πŸ‘‰ StoreCommerce Pro
πŸ‘‰ Elegant Magazine Pro
πŸ‘‰ BroadNews Pro
πŸ‘‰ And More..


GPLv2 or later

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the [GNU General Public License][] as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


  • Post Author Bio Box with Social Icons
  • Multiple Authors Box - Co-Authors and Guest Authors
  • Post Rating Section
  • User Registration Form Builder
  • ReCaptcha V2/V3 Settings
  • Guest Author Registration Form
  • Author Box Block
  • Author Registration Block
  • Author Login Block
  • Author Box Widget
  • WP Post Author Setting Panel


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