WP Post Email Notification WP Post Email Notification

WP Post Email Notification

Created by: Nicolai Stäger

Downloaded: 8k times

This plugin sends email-notifications to a list of subscribers (email address) whenever a new post is published. The list of subscribers is separated from the list of WordPress users.

To allow users to subscribe to the mailing-list, a widget is included that can be placed in the sidebar. The headline and a text of the widget can be modified and are displayed before the email-input field and the send button. The widget uses ajax to submit the entered e-mail address.

Within the administration area you get a reactive and clean overview of all subscribers and some additional settings, that fits perfectly into the user-experience of WordPress. You can delete or add subscribers manually as well as change the subject and body of the notification-email.

Sending the emails is regulated in jobs. A job is always responsible for sending emails to one new post. The job starts sending emails a minute after the post was published. Every job can be cancelled. The number of emails send within a run of the job can be modified in the options. The job is automatically deleted, once an email was send to all subscribers.

This plugin is open source and of course available on GitHub.


  • The settings-page for the plugin within the administration area.
  • Adding a widget to allow subscriptions.


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