WP Post Views Counter : wordpress Post Views Counter Used to track Post Visit Count ,It Counts both Unique and Returning Visits Using Cookies ,also Comes with a widget which will be rendered in single post.

Installation Guide:

1.Upload the plugin to your blog and just activate it.

2.Goto your Settings->wp post views counter and then Edit its data as per requirement.

Template Tags

You can Use Template Tags also to render this Plugin Output.
<?php wp_get_post_views_counter(); ?> To Print The Count With Text
<?php wp_get_only_post_views_count(); ?> To Print Only Count

More Details & Support

More Details & Support

1.Homepage http://www.designaeon.com

2.Plugin page http://designaeon.com/2014/07/wp-post-views-counter

3.Fb Page http://www.facebook.com/designaeon

4.Twitter http://www.twitter.com/designaeon

5.Feeds http://feeds.feedburner.com/designaeon

6.G+ Page https://plus.google.com/107775935805285788668



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