If you are looking for statistics about WordPress elements like page, post, category, comment, tag, users and custom post types, this is a comprehensive plugin for your WordPress statistics.

It is simple WordPress plugin that embeds charts in your blog and shows the usage and numbers related to blog, category, page, comment, tag, user and CPT. This plugin allow you to see how your blog is using all these elements.

WP Show Stats is an analytics tool for bloggers. When your blog is very large this plugin allows you to improve your blog performance and keep track on pages, posts, categories, tags, users, etc…

All the stats shown using Google Pie Chart, Google Column Charts and Google Table.



  • Blog post statistics including total blog posts status wise
  • Page statistics including total pages status wise
  • User statistics including total users role wise
  • Comment statistics including total comments status wise
  • Category statistics including total categories parent/child
  • Tags statistics including total used and unused tags
  • Custom post types and Other post types usage

Blog Posts stats

  • Post by status (including Private, Pending, Draft, Published, Trash and Future)
  • 5 Most commented posts
  • Posts by year
  • 5 Longest posts
  • 5 Shortest posts
  • Posts by months (Year wise)

Users stats

  • Role wise users and total users of each role including Administrator, Editor, Contributor, Author, Subscriber and Custom Roles
  • Year wise user registration including total users per year
  • Month wise user registration including total users per month
  • Day wise user registrations using custom date filter

Custom post types stats

  • Total post types including inbuilt and custom post types
  • Total records of all custom post types, records per post type
  • List of all inbuilt and custom post types created

Categories stats

  • Parent and child categories stats with total categories
  • Used/Unused categories stats
  • 5 Most used categories
  • 5 Less used categories

Comments stats

  • Comments count by status including Approved, In Moderation, Spam and Trash
  • 5 Most commented posts
  • Comments count by year
  • Most comments by Authors with count of comments
  • Month wise comments stats
  • Last 7 days comments
  • Total comments stats including total posts, total comments, total unique authors, total unique emails and IPs

Tags stats

  • Used/Unused tags stats
  • 5 Most used tags with count of usage
  • 5 Less used tags with count of usage

Page stats

  • Page by status (including Private, Pending, Draft, Published, Trash and Future)
  • Page by year
  • Page by months (Year wise)
  • 5 Shortest pages
  • 5 Longest pages


  • Choose different roles to allow the access of this plugin.

For further information on plugin and suggestions/comments on how to customize the plugin please drop me a contact request from http://freelancer-coder.com. If I will not able to provide complete support I will make sure that I will provide guidelines or some useful information for the addressed situation.


  • Overview of usage and stats for blogs, categories, users, tags, comments, custom post types
  • Blog post statistics
  • Users statistics
  • Category statistics
  • Comments statistics
  • Tags statistics
  • Custom post types statistics
  • Settings


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