Created by: Jake Snyder

Downloaded: 21k times Adds some much-needed functionality. It is now recommended that you move your fonts folder into your theme so that the fonts won’t be overwritten when you upgrade. It also fixes a 0.6.8 problem with the header reference to the SWF files when you store them in your theme.

0.6.6 Fixed a small change that caused some servers to stop working. If things stopped working for you, please upgrade to the latest version.

Important Upgrade Information

If you use WordPress’ built-in upgrade system, it will delete your fonts, unless you move your fonts folder into your theme instead. WP sIFR will automatically see the new location and no settings should be lost. If you do overwrite the fonts, your settings will be deleted the next time you visit the settings page. If you accidentally delete your fonts, replace them before going to the settings page. This is one of our main concerns for the next version.


WP sIFR was created to remove the complications from getting custom fonts on a WordPress site. With WP sIFR, you only have to upload your SWF font file to the plugin directory and then login, activate it, and configure its styles all in the Settings panel.

WP sIFR benefits

  • Works on subpages
  • Simple backend code and setup
  • No customization necessary outside of WordPress Admin
  • New fonts working on your site in under five minutes
  • Protection against Adblock on Macs using Firefox 3 (text is still shown)

Font Settings and Deletion

Currently, to simplify font addition and removal, WP sIFR removes all settings for the removed font when you delete it from the fonts folder. This is permanent. The addition and removal script runs on plugin activation and when the Settings Panel page is visited. Be careful deleting fonts, or you could lose your settings. This will change in the next major release.

Firefox on Macs and Adblock

WP sIFR has the ability to detect against Macs using Firefox 3 with an Adblock add-on. If it detects this configuration, it will disable sIFR on your site for that user. This means that your text will still be shown, but it will not be sIFR text, like when a user has javascript disabled. It will not interfere with other Mac users who are not using FF3 or are using FF3 without Adblock.

Future Features

Number one priority from here is to save settings for all fonts even if the file gets deleted, and allow the user to delete a font that no longer exists.

Number two is to allow users to add multiple selectors that can be styled seperately!


  • The WP sIFR Admin Panel
  • The WP sIFR Admin Panel with "Settings" expanded.
  • The WP sIFR Admin Panel with "Settings" and "Advanced Settings" expanded.


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